New traffic signal gets the green light

New traffic signal gets the green light

April 17, 2014


By Communications Staff

A new pedestrian-activated traffic signal will be installed on King Street by September, when students start attending classes at the beautiful new Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts (IBCPA).

[IBCPA]Students will begin attending classes at the Isabel in September.

“This was really a collaborative effort between the university and the City of Kingston,” says Acting Associate Vice-Principal (Facilities) Donna Janiec. “Many members of the Queen’s and Kingston communities will travel to and from the Isabel by foot, and we wanted to ensure that there will be a safe way for them to cross the road.”

The traffic signal will be installed just west of the Isabel, near Morton Street. Pedestrians will activate the flashing light, prompting cars to stop.

Construction of the signal is expected to begin in the coming weeks and will be completed this summer.

Queen’s and the City of Kingston will hold a drop-in information session for those with questions or concerns regarding the traffic signal, with staff on hand to answer questions and provide further information on the project. Meeting details will be provided as soon as they are available.

For more information on city traffic signals visit the .

When it officially opens in September 2014, the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts (“The Isabel”) will become an important centre for creativity and artistic collaboration, featuring an acoustically superior 560-seat concert hall and a 100-seat studio theatre, as well as an art and media lab, a film screening room, laboratories, classrooms and rehearsal space