New HR certificate expands diversity training

New HR certificate expands diversity training

December 7, 2012


Staff and faculty have the opportunity to learn more about diversity and equity and acquire the tools to foster inclusivity on campus through a new Human Resources (HR) certificate program.

“Building a welcoming environment that promotes diversity and inclusion requires the active participation of everyone on campus,” says Irène Bujara, Director, Human Rights and Equity Offices. “The new certificate program gives members of the university community the resources, knowledge and tools required to make Queen’s an inclusive campus.”

The Human Rights and Equity Offices collaborated with HR to create “From Diversity to Inclusion in the Workplace.” The certificate program consists of eight mandatory courses, two of which are online courses, and two electives. Staff members from units across campus will teach courses on topics such as Aboriginal perspectives in the workplace, employment equity, and accessibility.

“We welcome the opportunity to partner with the Human Rights and Equity Offices to develop this new certificate program,” says Shannon Hill, Learning and Development Specialist, HR. “We anticipate the courses will help staff and faculty engage in conversations in their own units to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion at Queen’s.”

The certificate gives participants the theory behind equity and inclusion principles. In additiona, participants get practical experience in developing skills that will allow them to create inclusive working environments that respond to the needs of the diversity of our community through interactive scenarios. Participants can draw on the skills they develop in the courses to serve as a resource in their own units or departments as well as to build an inclusive service community on campus.

The certificate program begins in January with the first course “Human Rights, Queen’s, and You.” Other courses will be offered throughout the year. The program is open to all staff and faculty with no cost to participants or departments.

Visit the for more information and to sign up.