Launch of Accessibility Hub highlights importance of accessibility and inclusivity

Launch of Accessibility Hub highlights importance of accessibility and inclusivity

October 31, 2013


Students, faculty and staff gathered in the Alan G. Green Fireplace Reading Room at Stauffer Library on Oct. 30 for the official launch of the new Accessibility Hub. The Hub acts as a central, online gateway to accessibility resources at Queen’s, and as an online community to give feedback and ask questions on accessibility issues.

Both Deputy Provost Laeeque Daneshmend and University Librarian Martha Whitehead spoke about the importance of accessibility and inclusivity. Disability advocate and Queen’s alumna Melissa Vassallo (Artsci'02) gave the keynote address; sharing her story of how she became a person living with disabilities and congratulating Queen’s the creation of the launch of the Accessibility Hub and on promoting an open dialogue on removing barriers for individuals with disabilities.

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