International opportunities abound for students

International opportunities abound for students

February 25, 2013


Queen's in the World

Students have several opportunities to take Queen’s-accredited courses around the world this summer through Queen’s-Blyth Worldwide (QBW).

“The innovative courses offered abroad take full advantage of the international study locations,” says Tom Gallini, Queen’s-Blyth International Assistant. “Students can expect to receive an enriching educational experience through Queen’s-Blyth Worldwide by learning from passionate instructors in a supportive environment.”

QBW offers up to 22 courses in May and June in several locations. Courses are offered in India for the first time this year, as well as Costa Rica, France, Italy and Spain.

The courses are offered over a three-week period by instructors appointed by the university. Students can expect an average workload of 40 hours per week, consisting of formal lectures, seminars or tutorials, and independent time to complete assignments and prepare for tests and exams. Each course includes a field-study excursion related to the material.

Queen’s students can also connect with peers from other universities as the program is open to all post-secondary students. The International Programs Office offers Queen’s students advice on how to apply QBW courses towards their degree plan.

Apply by March 15 to help ensure you get the course you want. The status of QBW courses will be assessed at that time based on the number of participants. Courses that move ahead will remain open for registration until April 5. Visit the for more information.