HOMECOMING 2013: Volunteer opportunities abound for students

HOMECOMING 2013: Volunteer opportunities abound for students

September 30, 2013


By Meredith Dault, Senior Communications Officer

Though student Claire Casher (Artsci’14) won’t join their ranks until the spring, she’s looking forward to welcoming back Queen’s alumni to campus for Homecoming 2013.

Claire Casher

“I can’t wait to meet the returning alumni, hear their stories, and help to create a memorable experience for them,” says Ms. Casher, who is majoring in politics. “Homecoming presents a unique opportunity for us to join together as a community and celebrate our past, present and future.”

As an intern in the Volunteer Relations and Reunions unit of Queen’s Alumni Relations, Ms. Casher has been deeply immersed in the planning process for Homecoming – and she’s excited about what’s in store. That’s why she is encouraging students to get involved as volunteers over one or both Homecoming weekends.

“One of my projects over the summer was the coordination of the Homecoming 2013 program booklet, so I can testify to the fact that there is an amazing lineup of events planned for each weekend!”

Sarah Indewey, Manager, Volunteer Relations and Reunions with Queen’s Alumni Relations, says students can volunteer in a number of different capacities – from welcoming alumni to campus upon arrival or assisting with a football game half-time parade, to leading a team at the Queen’s Gives Back food drive.

“Student volunteers will play an integral part in hosting two successful Homecoming weekends,” she says. While each shift lasts from two to five hours, every volunteer receives a t-shirt and a jacket bar reading FÀILTE DHACHAIGH (or “welcome home” in Gaelic).

SGPS President Iain Reeve hopes to see graduate students getting involved in the Homecoming celebrations, too – particularly at events designed to bring students and graduate alumni together, such as a networking event at the Grad Club.

“It will be a chance for grad students to make professional connections and to learn how people have adapted and persevered after completing their degrees,” he says.

Ms. Casher is eager to see all students participate, whether it’s by volunteering, cheering on the Gaels at a football game, or sharing a photo with the #queenshomecoming hashtag.

“You will be contributing to the camaraderie on campus and will help returning alumni to truly feel like they are back home!”

To volunteer or to learn more visit or email reunions@queensu.ca

This story is reprinted from the Queen’s special edition .