Graduate students share expertise with community

Graduate students share expertise with community

March 11, 2013


Queen’s University graduate and professional students are sharing their expertise with the Kingston community through . Organized by the Society of Graduate and Professional Students, this series of free, hour-long interactive workshops is running over three nights in March. Everyone from the Kingston and Queen’s communities is welcome to attend.

Shadi Ghazimoradi, a PhD candidate in the Department of English, is this year’s Free Queen’s coordinator.

“These workshops are a wonderful opportunity for community members to learn about a variety of interesting topics,” says Ms Ghazimoradi. “They promise to be informative, thought provoking and, most importantly, fun for everyone who attends.”

Upcoming workshop topics include the importance of branding in self-identity, limits to the constitutional guarantee of free speech, the effect of genetics on health, and the transformative impact of GPS technology.

Ms Ghazimoradi, who took on the task of organizing this year’s series because she believes in the importance of connecting the university and the community, says that she was delighted to have a large number of students express an interest in participating as a presenter.

“We had such a large number of students wanting to share their interests with community that we decided to add a third week of workshops,” she said. “Students are eager to share their knowledge and hone their presentation skills at the same time.”

Free Queen’s 2013 is continuing on March 13 and 20 at 6 pm at Kingston’s .