Board of Trustees welcomes new members

Board of Trustees welcomes new members

October 1, 2013


By Craig Leroux, Senior Communications Officer

Queen’s University’s Board of Trustees will welcome seven newly elected members at its first meeting of the 2013-14 academic year. Items on the agenda for the Oct. 4 meeting include presentations on the progress of the and the , as well as approval of the university’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending Apr. 30.

The Board will welcome seven newly elected trustees, as well as Innes van Nostrand (Sc'86) who has been re-elected by University Council. The new trustees are:

Andrew Aulthouse (Artsci’15), a student in the Department of Political Studies, was elected by the undergraduate students.

James MacLeod (Artsci’11), a doctoral candidate in the Faculty of Health Sciences, was elected by the Graduate and Professional Students.

Robert McFarlane (Com’83, MBA’85), a former chief financial officer of Telus, was elected by the Board.

Kent Novakowski, a professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, was elected by the faculty.

Steve Tanner, the Director of Finance and Administration in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, was elected by university staff.

Lewis Tomalty, a professor in the departments of Biomedical & Molecular Sciences and Pathology & Molecular Medicine, was elected by the faculty.

Mary Wilson Trider (Com’82), President and CEO of Almonte General Hospital, was elected by University Council.

The new trustees join a streamlined Board, which has had the size of its membership gradually reduced from 44 to its current 25 (which it reached on June 1) as part of a governance reform process that began in 2010.

Biographies of the new trustees are available on the .