Art project lets new students share their reasons for choosing 成人大片

Art project lets new students share their reasons for choosing 成人大片

September 13, 2013


First year students examine the "Canvas on Campus" mosaic, made from
approximately 4400 pieces personalized by new students.

By Rosie Hales, Communications Officer

This year’s Orientation Week participants will be able to keep a memento of their week, thanks to a project implemented by residence orientation program assistant, Jeff McCarthy.

4400 blue, gold, and red canvas squares were distributed to students in residence during their first floor meeting. Students were then invited to write on their canvas why they were excited to come to Queen’s and what they wanted to get out of their Queen’s experience.

During residence orientation activities last week, groups assembled their canvases into a mosaic, in the form of a giant tricolour flag. Mr. McCarthy took a time-lapsed film of the assembly and the completed mosaic was displayed during the sidewalk sale at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre.

“We wanted to do a project that really emphasized people coming together and sharing how they would be a part of the Queen’s community,” says Mr. McCarthy.

Throughout the semester, each tile will be taken from the mosaic and returned to the first year who personalized it.