Alumni return to Herstmonceux Castle

Alumni return to Herstmonceux Castle

August 1, 2013


By Craig Leroux, Senior Communications Officer

Alumni of the Bader International Study Centre at Herstmonceux Castle gathered recently for a reunion to celebrate the centre’s 20th anniversary. The weekend-long event saw former castle students reunite and reconnect with current and retired faculty and staff.

Alumni, faculty and staff of the Bader International Study Centre (BISC) at Herstmonceux Castle gathered recently for a weekend-long reunion in celebration of the centre’s 20th anniversary.

“The reunion weekend was everything I had hoped it would be,” says Laura Herdman (Artsci’11) who spent the spring term of her second year at the castle. “It was wonderful to reconnect with old classmates and professors, and there was something special about meeting new people and knowing that we were all connected by the passion we share for the castle.”

BISC alumna Jennifer Pierce mastering archery at the castle’s20th anniversary reunion.

The reunion began with a warm welcome by Alan Harrison, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) and Bruce Stanley, BISC Executive Director. In addition to reconnecting with fellow alumni and making new friendships, the sun-filled weekend was packed with events both at the castle and in the surrounding countryside.

Queen's in the World

From archery and other English-themed sports, to a music performance by current and former faculty members, the weekend highlighted some of the many unique aspects of being at the castle. A grounds tour by retired gardener John Friend showed off the estate’s natural beauty, while the reunion weekend was capped off by the planting of an apple tree – a gift to alumni from the castle’s 2012-13 students – to commemorate the gift of the Castle by Alfred and Isabel Bader 20 years ago.

This article is one of a series of stories celebrating the Castle and its 20th anniversary.