
Why Self-Identify?

  • Stand proud! Strengthen the Indigenous presence at Queen鈥檚!

  • Self-identifying allows Queen鈥檚 to provide the best programs and opportunities to Indigenous students

  • Students can learn more about their culture and/or connect with the growing Indigenous community at Queen鈥檚

  • Students can self-identify at any time during their university career 

  • The process is voluntary and confidential

It is a chance for students with Indigenous ancestry to:

  • Engage with and become a part of the Indigenous community at Queen鈥檚

  • Learn more about and strengthen their connection to their ancestry

  • Practice and/or learn more about their culture

It allows the University to:

  • Re-evaluate and enhance its programs and services to better suit the needs of the Indigenous student population

  • Gain a better understanding of the Indigenous community at the school

How can I self-identify?

Students with Indigenous ancestry can fill out the self-identification information at any point during their time as a student at Queen鈥檚.

  1. Login to your  
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to 鈥淧ersonal Information鈥
  3. On the left-hand side of the page, click the drop-down menu labelled 鈥渙ther personal鈥
  4. Select Indigenous Self-Identification and complete the information. Note there are two buttons, "Save" and "Continue." We encourage you to fill out more details on the second page, by selecting "Continue." 

For more information and advice on self-identification, please contact us at

The information provided can only be accessed by select staff at the Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre and in the Office of the University Registrar. The information will be used to enhance programming, success services, and will inform outreach strategies for Indigenous students. Any reporting will be done in aggregate, meaning that statistics will be collected and used in large numbers and not attached to your name or any identifying information unless you give us permission. 

Queen鈥檚 wishes to acknowledge funding from the Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development for the development of the university鈥檚 self-identification mechanism.