Get the Goods on Purchasing Goods and Services
Before you buy, know the legal rules set by the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive and how they align with the university’s purchasing activities.
Procurement in the Broader Public Sector (PDF, 1 MB)
Let's Talk Shop
This tutorial provides a Quick Guide to on-line procurement resources including a tour of the Procurement website, an overview of Queen’s Preferred Supplier list, and Queen’s employee discounts.
Queen's Procurement Website & Preferred Supplier List (PDF, 1.44 MB)
Consider the Funding Source
This tutorial emphasizes the university’s procurement policy while highlighting research basics and funding agency expectations. Special consideration is given to purchasing with Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) funds.
Consider the Funding Source - Purchasing with Research Funds (PDF, 320 KB)
Playing the Right Card
This lesson provides an overview of the university’s credit card programs. Discover the advantages of purchasing goods and services using the P-Card where it is cost effective, efficient and operationally feasible.
Purchasing with a Queen's Credit Card (PDF, 819 KB)
Clear the Way!
Learn what documentation is required when importing and exporting goods and services across the Canadian border. Coordinating accurate paperwork ahead of time can avoid delays during the shipping and customs clearance process.
Shipping Goods & Services Across the Canadian Border (PDF, 550 KB)
Today's Quote
Gain insight into the sourcing process, obtaining quotes and understanding the term RFx – one of the most common acronyms used in the strategic sourcing and procurement landscape.
The Sourcing Process (PDF, 595 KB)