Chernoff Hall & Auditorium - 90 Bader Lane



Location: Chernoff Hall is located on the south side of Bader Lane between Watts Hall to the east, and west of Stirling Hall. Chernoff Auditorium is located directly in between Chernoff Hall and Stirling Hall.


The main entrance (North) door and vestibule door are accessible with an automatic door opener. The entrance door to Chernoff Auditorium from Bader Lane is accessible with an automatic door opener.

The South entrance door and vestibule door on Stuart Street are both accessible with an automatic door opener.

Building Accessibility Features

Corridors: There are doors in corridors that act as barriers. There are restricted areas that require either card access or permission, but none have automatic door openers. There is a ramp to the lower level of the Auditorium entrance, but there are no handrails, the slope is steep, and the door does not have automatic door openers.

Elevators: There are two elevators in Chernoff Hall. The North elevator serves all building levels and is located in the corridor (to the right-hand side from the north entrance) off the atrium. The North elevator has a 42鈥 wide doorway and an internal elevator cab size of 58鈥 deep x 80鈥 wide. There is Braille on the elevator keypad inside the elevator. The elevator is not mirrored. The South elevator serves all building levels (but levels 3, 4 and 5 require Card Access) and is located to the left of the south street entrance off of Stuart Street. The South elevator has a 36鈥 wide doorway and an internal elevator cab size of 51.5鈥 deep x 68.5鈥 wide. There is Braille on the elevator keypad inside the elevator. The elevator is not mirrored.

Lifts: There is a lift to access the front of auditorium 117. For access to the lift, please contact Client Services (Fixit), who will provide an access code  operate lift. Contact office in advance of first use. Hours of operation are 7 am to 4pm, Monday through Friday (Tel: (613) 533-6757 (Campus, 77301), Email:

Wayfinding: The signage for these buildings are located outside the front entrances.

Washrooms: There are accessible Male and Female designated Multi-user washrooms on all building floors, but without automatic door openers. All washrooms are located near the North elevator. Accessible Male and Female designated Multi-user washrooms are also available in the auditorium lobby (to the left of the entrance area). There are no Single-user, accessible washrooms in this building.

Services: There is an accessible pay telephone just right of the North Entrance on level 2. There are sit-down computer stations that are accessible to some on level 1, by room 160.

Classrooms: There are centrally booked classrooms in the building. Check the classroom website for the accessibility of Chernoff Hall's and Chernoff Auditoriums classrooms.

Parking: Permit parking is available on Bader Lane and Albert Street. Time limited parking spaces are on Stuart Street and St. Lawrence Avenue.

Water Fountain: There are accessible water fountains on each floor. Levels 1 and 2 are located at the entry area to the washrooms near the north elevator (level 2 also has an accessible water bottle fill station). Levels 3, 4 and 5 are located near the north elevator (level 5 also has an accessible water bottle fill station).