

Film & Media

Keywords: cultural studies of media and technology; Cuban film and visual culture; feminist film culture in Canada and internationally; artists' groups, media arts collectives, and artist-run centres; feminist and critical theory; preservation, migration and remediation of vulnerable media; theories of publicity, temporality, and affect; cosmopolitanism, gendered spaces, and the city; curatorial practice and social justice. 

Assistant Professor

Global Development Studies

Keywords: land-based learning; Indigenous land rights; Indigenous theory. 

Associate Professor

Political Studies

Keywords: contemporary political thought, including identity politics, feminist theory, critical theory, postmodern theory, Marxist theory, anti-racist theory, psychoanalytic theory, environmental theory, narrative theory, queer theory, race and sexuality studies, feminism, and transgender politics.

Assistant Professor


Keywords: Anishinaabe ontology; studio visual arts; phenomenology; critical theory; indigenous imaging practices; mnidoo interrelationality; epistemological sovereignty; impact of settler colonial logics.

Associate Professor


Keywords: histories and politics of gender and sexuality; Canadian social history; archival theory; Foucault studies.

Keywords: Indigenous literatures; contemporary Canadian literature; Indigenous governance and its pursuit through art; multiculturalism as an ideal and practice; hockey culture; masculinity theory; literary activism.

Keywords: Black Studies; theories of race; cultural geographies; anti-colonial studies; knowledge and liberation; Black Arts (music, fiction, poetry, visual art); Sylvia Wynter. 

Keywords: Black Atlantic cultures; politics and intellectual traditions; diasporic identities and decolonial praxis; migration and multiculturalism; public history and humanities.

Other Affiliations: Black Studies; Gender Studies; History

Associate Professor

Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Keywords: Jewish Latin American literature; Latin American women’s literature; Latin American film.

Assistant Professor

Film & Media

Keywords: curatorial studies; cinema and digital/new media; curatorship; digital replicas and cultural heritage; projection technologies.

Associate Professor


Keywords: Science & Technology Studies; political sociology; ethnography; security and surveillance technology; science and state-making; artificial intelligence, algorithms, human dignity, and social justice. 

Associate Dean

Faculty of Education