Cultural Studies Admin Team

Admin Team

Jeff Brison (he/him)
Co-Director, Cultural Studies
Associate Professor, Department of History

Jeff Brison's work explores the role philanthropic foundations played in fostering extra-national intellectual and cultural networks of power in the north Atlantic world. A former Chair of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of History and Deputy-Senior Editor with McGill-Queen鈥檚 University Press, Jeff is a founding member of the Queen鈥檚-based research collective, Public Diplomacy and the Economy of Culture (PDEC). He is always eager to help students navigate their way through the Cultural Studies Program, as long as he gets to go for a good long run from time to time. 

Contact Jeff for:

  • guidance on committee composition, academic progress (PhD)
  • questions or suggestions regarding Colloquium (CUST 802/902)
  • admissions-related ideas and queries

Laura Murray (she/her)
Co-Director, Cultural Studies
Professor, Department of English Language and Literature

Laura has found Cultural Studies a hugely stimulating and supportive place to develop her interdisciplinary research in areas such as copyright policy, treaty histories, and community-based history and heritage studies. See her website for information on her scholarly interests. Originally from Toronto, she has made a home in Kingston where she keeps a hand in various musical and activist projects, while making time for cycling, kayaking, and cross-country skiing.

Contact Laura for:

  • guidance on application to 2-year MA, academic progress (MA)
  • questions regarding MA capstone course (CUST 850)
  • curriculum-related matters

Carrie Miles (she/her)
Program Manager

Originally from Hamilton, Carrie completed a BSc in Psychology and Chemistry at Wilfred Laurier University. Building on jobs counting trees, counting money, and counting the neurons in Einstein鈥檚 brain, she joined Queen鈥檚 in 2010, working first in Alumni Relations, moving briefly to Smith, and landing in Cultural Studies in May 2016. She鈥檚 a soccer mom, an avid hiker, a pitiful but persistent runner, and generally a lover of the outdoors. Plans for the future include one day (soon-ish) pursuing an MA. Carrie oversees budget and student funding, TA and RA positions, and the overall administrative operations of Cultural Studies.

Contact Carrie for:

  • faculty issues: course assignments, affiliation, general support, questions about MA or PHD guidelines
  • student advising on supervisor or committee changes, withdrawal, academic accommodations, medical leave, transfer to part-time
  • TA/RA/TF assignments & issues
  • course & curriculum planning, hiring, Collective Agreement issues
  • financial requests
  • office space allotment and trouble-shooting
  • booking the lecture theatre
  • items for the newsletter

Susanne Cliff-Jungling (she/her)
Graduate Program Assistant
613-533-6000 ext. 77027

Contact Susanne for:

  • admissions and assistance with application process
  • course add/drop
  • transcript questions
  • grant, award, and scholarship applications
  • scheduling & protocols of exams & defenses
  • annual progress reports and supervisory committee forms

Lisa Sykes (she/her)
Program and Financial Assistant

Lisa Sykes graduated from Queen's with a degree in Film Studies and promptly moved back to Toronto. But it turns out Kingston is not only a wonderful place to be a student, it鈥檚 also a great place to raise a family, so Lisa returned to Queen's and spent ten years in the advancement office working with alumni and donors. She is delighted to be on the Cultural Studies team as the part-time Program and Financial Assistant, and looks forward to helping the faculty, staff and students. 

Contact Lisa for:

  • Financial questions including invoice payments, travel reimbursements, and honoraria
  • Keys and requests for office space
  • Booking the lecture theatre
  • Website management and updates

Cultural Studies is located in B176 Mackintosh-Corry Hall, in the basement. To find us, take the stairwell or elevator across from the cafeteria.

For all other inquiries please email:

Cultural Studies Program Office
鈥婤176 Mackintosh-Corry Hall 
Kingston, ON
Canada K7L 3N6

CUST admin team

From left to right: Susanne Cliff-Jungling (Graduate Assistant), Carrie Miles (Program Manager), Laura Murray (Co-Director), Lisa Sykes (Program Assistant), and Jeff Brison (Co-Director).