Partnering for a strong and caring community

Queen’s supports a vibrant, sustainable, healthy, equitable, and diverse community in Kingston. We are a hub for community and culture, committed to sharing services and resources with local residents and international visitors in support of lifelong learning.

Queen's Gaels

Queen’s students, staff, and faculty raise more than $1,000,000 annually in support of underserved local populations

Donation benefit programming

Donations benefit programming at organizations such as the Canadian Cancer Society, Parkinson Canada’s Kingston Chapter, local homeless and youth shelters, and the United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, for which Queen’s recently set a new annual campaign record of $450,268.

Volunteering to address local needs

Queen’s students, staff, and faculty serve the most vulnerable populations in Kingston by donating their time, expertise, and resources to a range of local non-profit organizations.

Students working at a food drive

KGH Donations

1,590 community members

1,590 community members have received improved access to justice with the help of 189 law students through Queen’s Law Clinics.

221 students contributed

221 students in 2019 contributed over 6,000 hours to local organizations, such as Martha’s Table, Focus Forward, the Boys and Girls Club of Kingston, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Kingston.

6,000+ hours volunteered

6,000+ hours have been volunteered by students in the Smith School of Business’ Certificate for Social Impact in support of local businesses and organizations.

Supporting local youth

As part of our commitment to help build stronger communities, Queen’s is dedicated to providing high-quality and accessible educational and confidence-building programs for local youth.

Queen's football

Queen's Camps


As part of our commitment to help build stronger communities, Queen’s is dedicated to providing high-quality and accessible educational and confidence-building programs for local youth.


Queen’s Junior Gaels program has provided over 3,000 young Kingston athletes with the opportunity to meet and learn from current Queen’s University athletes and coaches and provides them with access to the university’s facilities.


Since 2015, the Sistema Music Program at Queen’s has benefited 35 elementary students from North Kingston with free musical education each year.

57% Graduation Rate

The Queen’s Chapter of Pathways to Education, a program intended to increase high school graduation rates, has achieved success among North Kingston high school students, with 57% of the program’s graduates enrolling in post-secondary education.


Serving Kingston and the region by volunteering our time and funds to community non-profits.

Gaels Basketball

Varsity Leadership Council

Participating student athletes advance causes in the Kingston community, such as diversity and inclusion, mental health awareness, food security, and opportunities for at-risk youth.

Law Clinic

Queen’s Law Clinics

Queen’s Law Clinics provide local Kingston and Southeastern Ontario residents with access to free and low-cost legal services while providing students with unique hands-on clinical experience in business law, family law, poverty law, prison law, and elder law.

Ph.D. Community Initiative

Ph.D. Community Initiative

Brings Queen’s doctoral students from different programs of study together with local organizations in Kingston. Community organizations identify challenges they are facing, and our doctoral students work with them to define a meaningful project, develop an approach and deliver solutions.

Learn more about the initiative

Orientation Week

Orientation Week

Our orientation committees run a number of fundraisers throughout the year including our annual Sidewalk Sale event, where over 300 local businesses and 10,000 students and community members come together for a street fair in support of local causes.

United Way Kingston

United Way Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington

Every year Queen’s campus participates in the United Way of KFL&A’s annual campaign to raise funds to support the close to 60,000 residents that United Way serves in our region. In response to the challenges facing our community as a result of COVID-19, Queen’s staff, faculty, and students raised a record breaking $450,000 for the United Way in 2021.

Read about our campaign

Junior Gales

Junior Gaels

Provides young Kingston athletes with the opportunity to meet and learn from current Queen’s University Gaels. Our varsity athletes provide coaching and access to the university’s facilities to their Junior Gaels, developing kids’ skills and passion their sport.