In July 2019, the ASU purchased a new iCAP 7400 ICP-OES spectrometer from THERMO Scientific. This instrument replaces our Varian Vista ICP-OES spectrometer.

The new instrument is a DUAL View, capable of analyzing samples in both axial and radial modes in a near simultaneous timeframe and is the smallest ICP-OES instrument in the market.

Selected Environmental Application Notes:


The use of wavelength switching and the inherent sensitivity of the instrument means that samples can be analyzed for components from ppb to percent levels with little or no need for dilution. Up to in excess of 30 elements can be measured in a sample within a few minutes. Sample preparation is required to get the analytes into a solution. This is often achieved through the use of strong acids.

Qtegra TM ISDS Software

The instrument uses Qtegra TM ISDS Software which is flexible and allows easy worksheet creation. The system when interfaced with a suitable autosampler is fully automated and can be used for after hours analysis. The after hours feature considerably increases the number of samples which can be analyzed in a day..



Optional CETAC Ultrasonic Nebulizer U5000AT+

The ASU regularly operated a CETAC ultrasonic nebulizer for water samples with our previous Varian ICP-OES system. While it is not in operation with the current system by default, it can be used with the newer instrument by special request.

With careful sample preparation, the detection limits for certain analytes can be decreased by orders of magnitude lower than with a standard pneumatic nebulizer. This attachment removes the requirement for sample concentration which is time consuming and minimizes the possibility of sample contamination.

The U5000AT+ Ultrasonic Nebulizer offers enhanced detection limits (up to 10x or greater) for ICP-OES and ICP-MS.

  • AutoTune Power Supply
  • Detection Limit improvement up to 10x or greater
  • Efficient Desolvation System
  • Optimized for Use with ICP-OES or ICP-MS
  • Stable Operation
  • Modular Design





Detection Limits
Detection limits obtained with the U5000AT+ on ICP-OES are listed below for axial ICP torch configurations. Detection limits are improved in a range of 5 to 25 times, depending upon the analyte.


U5000AT+ detection limits