• Faculty of Health Sciences

Phyllis Mary Robinson Bursary

Donor Story:

I was a student nurse at the Calgary General Hospital School of Nursing 1962-1965 - a three year program. The students rotated through various health care programs-both classroom and clinical settings. Our obstetrical portion was three months - subdivided into Pre-Post Partum, Labor & Delivery, and Nursery - 1 month in each section.

Miss Robinson was the instructor in the Labor & Delivery area. 

I was well into my second year when I rotated into obstetrics. I had two experiences with Miss Robinson's firm determination and support, plus her no-nonsense manner. Without her, I would never have completed the program or spent the next 40 years as a professional nurse.

My first experience occurred on my first day in the delivery room area. Each student was assigned to observe a delivery, before being assigned to our own patient. Unfortunately, on delivery, it was discovered the baby was unwell, so it was rushed to the nursery. Miss Robinson re-assigned me to another delivery room, and then to a third as each delivery became increasingly complicated and resulting in infant deformity and death. By the third one, I was losing it, and ran into her as I left the room running (hearing the doctor breaking baby bones in an attempt to deliver a still born infant). That was IT - I WASN'T GOING TO BE A NURSE IF THIS IS WHAT YOU HAD TO DEAL WITH!!!

She took me to a private area and let me go through the meltdown and venting, without saying  too much, until I had calmed down. We talked for awhile, and I don't really remember what was said, but she managed to persuade me to try one more time-to observe another delivery, before going back to the residence (in those days student nurses lived in residences connected to the school/hospital). In retrospect, that took a lot of strength on her part, because we didn't do much in the way of ultrasounds on pregnant womenthen, so you really didn't know, as is now done, to diagnose potential and/or actual fetal problems. So we went together, and she stayed with me through a normal delivery, with a healthy baby - I was exhausted but excited - you'd have thought I had given birth! Because of her I decided to stay in the program.

My second experience with her was related to the major paper she assigned, based on our patient that we were given, to follow through the late stage of her pregnancy, including home visits, on-call for her, then following her through hospital anti-partum, labor/delivery, post-partum, discharge, with subsequent home visit to complete the assignment. The paper formed a major portion of our obstetrical mark. I had procrastinated on writing the paper, until it was the last night before the due date. So, an all-nighter was in order and it was all hand written; we didn't have computers then. I made the deadline! Then a few days later, I was called to her office. She proceeded to quietly and firmly tear a strip off my back about my poor quality paper, she told me that I could do much better. She wasn't accepting this paper, which would result me failing obstetrics and either put on probation or dismissed from the program. We talked and I was truly scared that I was on my way OUT! After a few silent moments, she said she was willing to give me a one week extension if I was willing to produce a greatly improved paper. Needless to say, I agreed and made it through!

I've never forgotten her no-nonsense yet supportive manner. During my career, I have had times when I thought "how would Miss Robinson have handled this?" I have always tried to follow her example. Now that I am able to pay it forward, I hope to help students who are struggling financially and need a boost to move on through their chosen field, and to do so in her name.

成人大片 the Fund:

Established in February 2018 by Joy Patrick, BNSc 1970, in memory of Phyllis Mary Robinson, dedicated teacher of nursing students for many years. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to undergraduate or graduate students in any year of a degree program in the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences.  Applications are to be made to the Office of the University Registrar, Student Awards by 31 October.