Celebrating Alfred Bader At 90

The American Chemical Society marked Alfred Bader's 90th birthday this April with a story in its magazine Chemical & Engineering News.The story highlights Dr. Bader's accomplishments in chemistry, his love of art, and his long history, with his wife, Isabel, of philanthropy.

The story quoted Victor Snieckus, Bader Chair Emeritus in Organic Chemistry at Queen's. Dr. Snieckus said:

"Alfred Bader's name is synonymous with helping chemists to make molecules; furthermore, his support through awards, fellowships, and scholarships is unwavering. But more than that, Alfred, with Isabel at his side, has touched all whom he has met with enthusiasm about their work and a zest for life."

You can read more about the Baders and the Bader Collection at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in the spring issue of the Queen's Alumni Review, due out mid-May.
