[Dan Tisch]

Alumnus Receives Major Public Relations Award

Daniel Tisch, Artsci’88, MBA’96, has received a lot of awards for his work in public relations – more than 200. But his most recent honour is special because it came from his peers.

Dan, the CEO of , is this year’s recipient of the Philip A. Novikoff Memorial Award from the . The award, considered the society’s highest career honour, is presented to a member who has furthered the standing of the public relations profession in Canada and contributed to the betterment of the community.

“I feel fortunate and grateful to have learned from incredible mentors, worked with exceptional colleagues, and led brilliant teams in my public relations career,” says Dan, a proud Queen’s alumnus who has volunteered with numerous campus groups, including University Council and the Board of Trustees. “I’m passionate about not just the business value of communication to organizations, but also the social value of communication to society, and it’s humbling to earn this award from Canadian and global peers who share this vision.”

Dan has been a communications leader in both the public and private sectors. In more than 25 years in public relations, he has worked on some of the world’s top brands, chaired the PR industry’s global confederation, served as Senior Policy Advisor to Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was a member of the Canadian delegation to the G7 Economic Summit.

He has had many roles at Queen’s. Along with university councillor and trustee, he has been a student, two-time graduate, alumni volunteer, guest lecturer in the Smith School of Business, and most recently parent of a Queen’s student (Eric Tisch, Arts ’16).

“As long as I’ve been part of Queen’s, Queen’s has been a part of me. It goes much deeper than the knowledge and skills I gained here. The Queen’s community has inspired me to take on leadership roles, and made me very conscious of my responsibility to society,” says Dan.

Chancellor Jim Leech believes the honour is well deserved.

“I am so proud to be associated with Dan through Queen’s. He has contributed to our university in a number of volunteer roles. We are fortunate to have him share his impressive public relations knowledge and wise counsel with the campus community,” the Chancellor says.