Student Mental Health in the Age of COVID-19

Watch this recording of an online panel discussion with Queen's experts about student mental health during COVID-19. 

Mental Health Support Resources:

Resources at Queen's:

  • How to Help a Student in Need â€“ information for parents, supporters, staff, faculty, and roommates  
  • Online Mental Health Trainings â€“ online training session for Queen's students, faculty, and staff on how to identify and respond to students in distress while physical distancing  
  • Early Alert System at Queen’s â€“ for faculty or staff members who notice a student who is having difficulties or is in distress  
  • Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) â€“ self-directed tool that includes a mindfulness library 
  • Empower Me â€“ free care available to Queen’s students living anywhere in the world and accessible 24/7, 365 days per year 
  •  â€“ available through Queen’s Athletics & Recreation  
  • The Green Folder Project â€“ identifying and responding to students in distress