Albany Pro Musica & the Camerata Coral de Puerto Rico 'I Dream A World

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Folk Music
Jennifer Velva Bernstein Performance Hall
Albany Pro Musica & the Camerata Coral de Puerto Rico 'I Dream A World

Distinctive harmonies and thrilling rhythms will transport you on a journey celebrating diversity, multiculturalism, inclusiveness, and acceptance; the values that hold the Americas strong. Puerto Rican chorus Camerata Coral joins the New York State capital’s Albany Pro Musica in an homage to the musical heritage of the New World, featuring evocative music from North and South America and the Caribbean.

This concert is part of the Pro Musica International Choral Festival, a choral institute offered by Albany Pro Musica and Queen’s University which brings talented young singers from across the United States and Canada for a week of vocal clinics renowned faculty, rehearsals and seminars, and performances by guest ensembles such as the Canadian Chamber Choir, the Kingston Chamber Choir, Camerata Coral de Puerto Rico, and Albany Pro Musica.