Substance Use Health

Safer Substance Use Strategies

  • Stick to one substance
  • Drink water between alcoholic drinks
  • Eat before and while drinking
  • Start low and go slow
  • Know your limit and drink within it
  • Have a plan to get home safely
  • Avoid sharing drinks, vapes, joints, etc.
  • Surround yourself with people you can trust
  • Do not use drugs on your own
  • Carry a naloxone kit (find out )
  • Be ready to say “no thanks” if you need to slow down/stop consuming

How to Help a Friend

  • Stay with them
  • Offer them water and/or food
  • If they want to lie down, have them lie on their side (see Recovery Position)
  • Know the signs of opioid overdose (tiny pupils, no/slow breathing, snoring, gurgling sounds, cold/clammy skin, blue/purplish lips/fingernails, vomiting, not responding)
  • If someone is unresponsive, call 9-1-1, give naloxone (if you suspect an opioid overdose), perform rescue breathing & chest compressions (if needed and you know how)
  • Help them get home safely or get them connected to the right resource

Where to go for help

 Health Resource Map


Campus Observation Room (COR)

Voluntary, confidential and non-judgemental place where students who’ve had too much to drink can come to sleep.  Must be able to walk (with support), talk (mumble) & under the influence of alcohol mostly.

Location: Chez Lenny, Leonard Hall (south-east entrance), 128 Queen’s Crescent

Phone: 613-533-6911

Find hours and additional details about COR

Student Wellness Services

Provides medical services for cuts, bruises, sprains & strains.  Can also assess and refer to other appropriate resources.

Hours: Weekdays 9am-4:30pm

Location: 1st floor Mitchell Hall, 69 Union Street

Phone: 613-533-2506

Find additional details about medical services available

Urgent Care Centre

Provides medical services for cuts needing stitches, minor concussions and broken bones. 

Hours: Daily from 8am-8pm until capacity reached, check website

Location: 144 Brock Street

Phone: 613-546-1240

Emergency Department

For life/limb threatening injuries, sexual violence/domestic abuse.

Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Location: 41 King Street West

Phone: 613-548-2333