Strategies to Manage Stress During Exams

Many students feel anxious before a test or final exam.  Below are some solid strategies that you may find helpful if you're feeling stressed:

Connect with others often
Connecting with friends and/or loved ones can help counteract stress.  Trying sending texts, emails, making phone and/or video calls.  You could also meet up with someone to go for a walk or study session.  If you are struggling and need to talk to someone try (phone or text) and/or 鈥 all available 24/7.  Undergraduate and MBA students can also connect with while graduate students can access Empower Me.

Watch your language
Thoughts can affect our emotions, which in turn can produce physical sensations.  If you notice that you are having many negative and/or irrational thoughts (i.e., 鈥淚 can鈥檛 do this鈥, 鈥淚鈥檓 going to fail鈥, etc.) try challenging them and re-framing them into positive ones (i.e., 鈥淚鈥檝e prepared for this exam鈥, 鈥淚 have skills to get through this鈥, etc.).  This positive mindset can help you feel less anxious and may alleviate some of your physical symptoms.  If you need other strategies, check out our self-directed module.

Practice being present
If you find yourself getting anxious about an upcoming exam, try doing a short mindfulness exercise. This could be as simple as breathing a bit slower and more consciously (e.g., breathing in for a count of 4 and out for a count of 4). You could also check out the TAO mindfulness library that includes exercises like grounding with categories, math, imagery and/or touch.  Students can also book a free .

Take active breaks, outside if possible
Being physically active and spending time outside in nature has been shown to reduce stress levels.  Try standing up and/or moving around during your study breaks; every little bit counts. Check out the opportunities to .

Fuel yourself with whole foods
Our brain and bodies function more optimally if we fuel them with fruits and vegetables, lean or plant-based protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Try using the for your meals or the connection between Stress and Food from the Registered Dietician with Hospitality Services.  Check out for quick, easy and inexpensive recipes and food access resources.

Power down before bed
Try to stop studying, watching videos and/or browsing content online before bed to help get better quality sleep. If you鈥檙e having trouble falling asleep when you turn out the lights, try writing down what鈥檚 on your mind to give your brain and body permission to let it go and get some sleep. If you need help getting better quality sleep, book a free one-on-one .

Find additional (and lots of other great effective study habit suggestions) on the Student Academic Success Services (SASS) website.