Richard Beninger

Richard J. Beninger

Professor Emeritus

Department of Psychology

People Directory Affiliation Category

B.A., University of Western Ontario, 1973
M.A., McGill University, 1974
Ph.D., McGill University, 1977

In research with animals, my students and I used rats to study the role played by various neurotransmitters, especially dopamine, in reward-related incentive learning.  Results show that dopamine alters the ability of environmental stimuli to control behaviour:  increases in dopaminergic neurotransmission lead to incentive learning, the acquisition by neutral stimuli of the ability to elicit approach and other responses, and decreases lead to inverse incentive learning, the loss by neutral stimuli of the ability to elicit approach and other responses.  The underlying mechanisms include dopamine D1-like and D2 receptors and adenosine receptors that affect a number of kinases and phosphatases, changing glutamate synaptic effectiveness in the striatum.  In research with human participants diagnosed with Parkinson's disease or schizophrenia, we studied the role of dopamine and the effects of antipsychotic drugs on cognitive abilities including declarative and non-declarative memory.  These studies with humans complement those with animals in revealing the role played by various neurotransmitters in the control of behaviour.

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Authored Books

Beninger RJ (2018) Life’s Rewards:  Linking Dopamine, Incentive Learning, Schizophrenia, and the Mind.  Oxford University Press: Oxford, in press

Peer Reviewed Publications

Wickens R, Quartarone SE, Beninger RJ (2017) Inhibition of GSK3 by SB 216763 affects acquisition at lower doses than expression of amphetamine-conditioned place preference in rats. Behavioural Pharmacology, 28: 262-271

(220) Szechtman H, Ahmari SE, Beninger RJ, Eilam D, Harvey BH, Edemann-Callesen H, Winter C. (2017) Obsessive-compulsive disorder: insights from animal models. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 76: 254-279

Islam F, Xu K, Beninger RJ (2017) Inhibition of Wnt signalling dose-dependently impairs the acquisition and expression of amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference. Behavioural Brain Research 326: 217-225

Rocca JF, Lister JG, Beninger RJ (2017) Spiroperidol, but not eticlopride or aripiprazole, produces gradual increases in descent latencies in the bar test in rats. Behavioural Pharmacology 28 30-36

Beuk J, Beninger RJ, Mechefske E, Paré M (2016) Contextual response time adaptation in the countermanding performance or rats.  Neuroscience 337: 200-217

Beuk J, Beninger RJ, Paré M (2016) Lifespan changes in the countermanding performance of young and middle aged adult rats. Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience 8: 190

Seeley CJ, Smith CT, MacDonald K, Beninger RJ (2016) Ventromedial prefrontal theta activity during rapid eye movement sleep is associated with improved decision-making on the Iowa gambling task. Behavioral Neuroscience 130: 271-280

Schimmel LNP, Banasikowski TJ, Hawken ER, Dumont EC, Beninger RJ (2015) Brain regions associated with inverse incentive learning: c-Fos immunohistochemistry after haloperidol sensitization on the bar test in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 293: 81-88

Gregory JG, Hawken ER, Banasikowski TJ, Dumont EC, Beninger RJ (2015) A striatally mediated response strategy predicts acquisition of schedule-induced polydipsia in rats.  Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 61: 37-43

Baker TW, Florczynski MM, Beninger RJ (2015) Differential effects of clozapine, metoclopramide, haloperidol and risperidone on acquisition and expression of operant responding in rats. Psychopharmacology 232: 1534-1543

Seeley CJ, Beninger RJ, Smith CT (2014) Post learning sleep improves cognitive-emotional decision-making: evidence for a ‘deck-B sleep effect’ in the Iowa gambling task. PLoS ONE 9: e112056 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0112056

(210) McLelland A, Martin-Iverson M, Beninger RJ (2014) The effect of quetiapine (Seroquelâ„¢) on conditioned place preference and elevated plus maze tests in rats when administered alone and in combination with (+)-amphetamine. Psychopharmacology, accepted April 6, 2014

Beuk J, Beninger RJ, Pare M (2014) Investigating a race model account of executive control in rats with the countermanding paradigm. Neuroscience 263: 96-110

Hawken ER, Beninger RJ. (2014) The amphetamine sensitization model of schizophrenia symptoms and its effects on schedule induced polydipsia in the rat. Psychopharmacology 231: 2001-2008. DOI: 10.1007/s00213-013-3345-9

Park SW, Roohbakhsh A, Beninger RJ. (2014) 8-pCPT, an Epac activator, impairs conditioned place preference based on nucleus accumbens amphetamine in rats. Acta Neuropsychiatrica26: 104-111.

Seeley C, Cashaback J, Smith C, Beninger RJ. (2014) Altering the shape of punishment distributions affects decision-making in a modified Iowa gambling task. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 27: 170-178. DOI:10.1002/bdm.1795

Hawken ER, Delva NJ, Beninger RJ. (2013) Increased drinking following social isolation rearing: implications for polydipsia associated with schizophrenia. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56105. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0056105

Hawken ER, Lister J, Winterborn AN, Beninger RJ. (2013) Spontaneous polydipsia in animals treated subchronically with MK-801. Schizophrenia Research 143: 228-230. DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2012.11.013

MacLeod RJ, Moores ME, Beninger RJ. (2012) Amphetamine stimulates Wnt3 increases in rat nucleus accumbens. NeuroReport 23: 846-850. DOI: 10.1097/WNR.0b013e328357d868

Simpson SM, Hickey AJ, Baker GB, Reynolds JN, Beninger RJ. (2012) The antidepressant phenelzine enhances memory in the double Y-maze and increases GABA levels in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 102: 109-117. DOI: 10.1016/j.pbb.2012.03.027

Banasikowski TJ, Beninger RJ. (2012) Reduced expression of haloperidol conditioned catalepsy in rats by the dopamine D3 receptor antagonists nafadotride and NGB 2904. European Neuropsychopharmacology 22: 761-768. DOI: 10.1061/j.euroneuro.2012.02.004

(200) Baker TW, Weisman RG, Beninger RJ. (2012) Reinforcer devaluation by extinction depends on the food restriction protocol. Behavioral Processes90: 124-129. DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2012.02.007

Banasikowski TJ, Beninger RJ. (2012) Haloperidol conditioned catalepsy in rats: a possible role for D1-like receptors. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, DOI: 10.1017/S1461145711001696

Wasserman JI, Barry RJ, Bradford L, Delva NJ, Beninger RJ. (2012) Probabilistic classification and gambling in patients with schizophrenia receiving medication: comparison of risperidone, olanzapine, clozapine and typical antipsychotics. Psychopharmacology 222: 173-183. DOI: 10.1007/s00213-011-2634-4

Brown CL, Beninger RJ. (2012) People newly in love are more responsive to positive feedback. Psychological Reports110: 753-763. DOI: 10.2466/

Hickey AJ, Reynolds JN, Beninger RJ. (2012) Post-weaning social isolation and subchronic NMDA glutamate receptor blockade: effects on locomotor activity and GABA signaling in the rat suggest independent mechanisms. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 101: 231-238

Banasikowski TJ, McLeod LS, Beninger RJ. (2012) Comparison of the effects of nafadotride, CNQX and haloperidol on acquisition vs. expression of amphetamine conditioned place preference in rats. Behavioral Pharmacology 23: 89-97

Tuerke KJ, Beninger RJ, Paquette JJ, Olmstead MC. (2011)Dissociable effects of ultra-low dose naltrexone on tolerance to the antinociceptive and cataleptic effects of morphine. Behavioural Pharmacology, 22: 558-563

Gerdjikov TV, Baker TW, Beninger RJ. (2011) Amphetamine-induced enhancement of responding for conditioned reward in rats: interactions with repeated testing. Psychopharmacology 214: 891-899

Hawken ER, Delva NJ, Reynolds JR, Beninger RJ. (2011) Increased schedule-induced polydipsia in the rat following subchronic treatment with MK-801. Schizophrenia Research 125: 93-98

Banasikowski TJ, Bespalov A, Drescher K, Behl B, Unger L, Haupt A, Schoemaker H, Sullivan JP, Gross G, Beninger RJ.(2010) Double dissociation of the effects of haloperidol and the dopamine D3 receptor-preferring antagonist AB-127 on acquisition vs. expression of cocaine conditioned activity in rats.Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 335: 506-515

(190) Fogel SM, Smith CT, Higginson CD, Beninger RJ. (2010) Different types of avoidance behavior in rats produce dissociable post-training changes in sleep. Physiology and Behavior 102: 170-174

Beninger RJ, Baker TW, Florczynski MM, Banasikowski T. (2010) Regional differences in the action of antipsychotic drugs: implications for cognitive effects in schizophrenic patients. Neurotoxicity Research 18: 229-243

Ashby DM, Habib D, Dringenberg HC, Reynolds JN, Beninger RJ. (2010) Subchronic MK-801 treatment and post-weaning social isolation in rats: differential effects on locomotor activity and hippocamapl long-term potentiation. Behavioral Brain Research 212: 64-70

Fogel SM, Smith CT, Beninger RJ. (2010) Too much of a good thing? Elevated baseline sleep spindles predict poor avoidance performance in rats. Brain Research 1319: 112-117

Fogel SM, Smith CT, Beninger RJ. (2010) Increased GAGAergic activity in the region of the pedunclopontine and deep mesencephalic reticular nuclei reduces REM sleep and impairs learning in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience 124: 79-86

Simpson SM, Menard JL, Reynolds JN, Beninger RJ. (2010) Post-weaning social isolation increases activity in a novel environment but decreases defensive burying and subchronic MK-801 enhances the activity but not the burying effect in rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 95: 72-79

Beninger RJ, Beuk J, Banasikowski TJ, van Adel M, Boivin GA, Reynolds JN. (2010) Subchronic phencyclidine in rats: alternations in locomotor activity, maze performance and GABAA receptor binding. Behavioural Pharmacology 21: 1-10

Fogel SM, Smith CT, Beninger RJ. (2009) Evidence for 2-stage models of sleep and memory: learning-dependent changes in spindles and theta in rats. Brain Research Bulletin 79: 445-451

Beninger RJ, Tuerke KJ, Forsyth JK, Giles AC, Xue L, Boegman RJ, Jhamandas K. (2009) Neonatal ventral hippocampal lesions in rats: effects on water maze, locomotor activity, plus-maze learning and prefrontocortical GABA and glutamate release in adulthood. Behavioral Brain Research 202: 198-209

Beninger, R.J., Forsyth JK, Van Adel M, Reynolds JN, Boegmam RJ, Jhamandas K. (2009) Subchronic MK-801-induced behavioral deficits in rats: partial reversal by the novel nitrate GT 1061. (PDF, 422 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry Behavior 91: 495-502.

(180) Beninger, R.J., Banasikowsk,i T.J. (2008) Dopaminergic mechanisms of reward-related incentive learning: focus on the dopamine D3 receptor. Neurotoxicity Research 14: 57-70.

Boivin, G.A., Beninger, R.J. (2008) Differential effects of dopamine and AMPA receptor antagonists on the expression of conditioned avoidance responding in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience 122: 377-384.

Swain, S.N., Beuk, J., Heidbreder, C.A., Beninger, R.J. (2008) Role of dopamine D3 receptors in the expression of conditioned fear in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 579: 167-176.

Savina, J.,Beninger, R.J. (2007) Schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine or olanzapine perform better on theory of mind tasks than those treated with risperidone or typical antipsychotic medications.  Schizophrenia Research, 94: 128-138

Gerdjikov, T.V., Giles, A.C., Swain, S.N., Beninger, R.J. (2007) <Nucleus accumbens PKA inhibition blocks acquisition but enhances expression of amphetamine-produced conditioned activity in rats.  Psychopharmacology 190: 65-72

Beninger, R.J. (2006) <Dopamine and incentive learning: a framework for considering antipsychotic medication effects.  Neurotoxicity Research 10: 199-209

Schmidt, W.J., Beninger, R.J. (2006). Behavioural sensitization in addiction, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease and dyskinesia.  Neurotoxicity Research 10: 161-166.

Gerdjikov, T.V., Beninger, R.J. (2006) Place preference induced by nucleus accumbens amphetamine is impaired by local blockade of Group II metabotropic glutamate receptors in rats.  BMC Neuroscience 7: 43 | doi:10.1186/1471-2202-7-43.

Legault, G., Smith, C., Beninger, R.J. (2006). Post-training intra-striatal scopolamine or flupenthixol impairs radial maze learning in rats.  Behavioral Brain Research 170: 148-155.

Beninger, R.J., Quinsey, V.L. (2006). Animal behaviour: chimpanzee choice and prosociality.  Nature 440:E6 (6 April 2006)|doi:10.1038/nature04758 (commentary)

(170) Aujla, H., Beninger, R.J. (2005). The dopamine D3 receptor-preferring agonist BP897 dose-dependently attenuates the expression but not the acquisition of amphetamine-conditioned place preference in rats.  Behavioral Pharmacology 16: 181-186.

Gerdjikov, T.V., Beninger, R.J. (2005). Differential effects of calcineurin inhibition and protein kinase A activation on amphetamine-produced conditioned place preference in rats.  European Journal of Neuroscience 22: 697-705.

Perretta, J., Pari, G., Beninger, R.J. (2005). Effects of Parkinson’s disease on two putative nondecleartive memory tasks: probabilistic classification and gambling. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 18: 185-192.

Aujla, H., Beninger, R.J. (2004). Intra-BLA or intra-NAc infusions of the dopamine D3 receptor partial agonist, BP 897 block intra-NAc amphetamine conditioned activity.  Behavioral Neuroscience 118: 1324-1330.

Beninger, R.J., Gerdjikov, T. (2004). The role of signaling molecules in reward-related incentive learning.  Neurotoxicity Research 6: 91-104.

Gerdjikov, T.V., Ross, G., Beninger, R.J. (2004). Place preference induced by nucleus accumbens amphetamine is impaired by antagonists of ERK or p38 MAP kinases in rats.  Behavioral Neuroscience 118: 740-750

Legault, G., Smith, C., Beninger, R.J. (2004). Scopolamine during the paradoxical sleep window impairs radial arm maze learning in rats.  Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 79: 715-721.

Aujla, H., Beninger, R.J. (2003). Intra-accumbens protein kinase C inhibitor NPC 15437 blocks amphetamine-produced conditioned place preference in rats.  Behavioral Brain Research 147: 41-48.

Beninger, R.J., Nakonechny, P.L., Savina, I. (2003). cAMP-dependent protein kinase and reward-related learning: Intra-accumbens Rp-cAMPS blocks amphetamine-produced place conditioning in rats.  Psychopharmacology 170: 23-32.

Beninger, R.J., Wasserman, J.I., Zanibbi, K., Charbonneau, D., Mangels, J., Beninger, B.V. (2003). Typical and atypical antipsychotic medications differentially affect two nondeclarative memory tasks in schizophrenic patients: a double dissociation.  Schizophrenia Research 61: 281-292.

(160) Halpert, A.G., Olmstead, M.C., Beninger, R.J. (2003). Dimenhydrinate produces a conditioned place preference in rats.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 75: 173-179.

Aujla, H., Sokoloff, P., Beninger, R.J. (2002). A dopamine D3 receptor partial agonist blocks the expression of conditioned activity.  NeuroReport 13:173-176.

Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, A., Aujla, H., Xue, L., Dagnone, R.V., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K. (2002). Neonatal exposure to the glutamate receptor antagonist MK-801: Effects on locomotor activity and pre-pulse inhibition before and after sexual maturity in rats.  Neurotoxicity Research 4: 477-488.

Halpert, A.G., Olmstead, M.C., Beninger, R.J. (2002). Mechanisms and abuse liability of the anti-histamine dimenhydrinate.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 26:61-67.

Ormerod, B.K., Beninger, R.J. (2002). Water maze versus radial maze: Differential performance of rats in a spatial delayed match-to-position task and response to scopolamine.  Behavioral Brain Research 128: 139-152

Powell, K.J., Abul-Husn, N.S., Jhamandas, A., Olmstead. M.C., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K. (2002). Paradoxical effects of the opioid antagonist naltrexone on morphine analgesia, tolerance and reward.  Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 300:588-596.

Scott, M., Tanguay, J.J., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (2002). Neurosteroids and glutamate toxicity in fibroblasts expressing human NMDA receptors.  Neurotoxicity Research 4:181-190.

Aujla, H., Beninger, R.J. (2001). Hippocampal-prefrontocortical circuits: PKA inhibition in the PFC impairs delayed nonmatching in the radial maze in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience 115: 1204-1211.

Beninger, R.J., Dringenberg, H.C., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K. (2001). Cognitive effects of neurotoxic lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis in rats: Differential roles for corticopetal versus amygdalopetal projections.  Neurotoxicity Research 3:7-21.

Johnston, L.D., Beninger, R.J., Olmstead, M.C. (2001). Pimozide, like extinction, devalues stimuli associated with sucrose taking.  Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 68:583-590.

(150) Sutton, M.A., Rolfe, N.G., Beninger, R.J. (2001). Biphasic effects of 7-OH-DPAT on the acquisition of responding for conditioned reward in rats .  Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 69:195-200.

Beauchamp, M., Ormerod, B.K., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (2000). Neurosteroids and reward: Allopregnanolone produces a conditioned place aversion in rats.  Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 67:29-35

Bernstein, S.N., Beninger, R.J. (2000). Turning in rats following intra-accumbens shell injections of amphetamine or eticlopride.  Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 65:203-207.

Dringenberg, H.C., Wightman, M., Beninger, R.J. (2000). The effects of amphetamine and raclopride on food transport: possible relation to defensive behavior in rats. Behavioural Pharmacology 11:447-454.

Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J., Miranda, A.F., Lipic, K.A. (2000). Excitotoxicity of quinolinic acid: Modulation by endogenous antagonists.  Neurotoxicity Research 2:139-155.

Sutton, M.A., McGibney, K., Beninger, R.J. (2000). Conditioned locomotion in rats following amphetamine infusion into the nucleus accumbens: blockade by coincident inhibition of protein kinase A.  Behavioural Pharmacology 11:365-376.

Kalish, B.E., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J., Boegman, R.J. (1999). Modulation of quinolinic acid-induced depletion of striatal NADPH diaphorase and enkephalinergic neurons by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase.  Brain Research 817:151-162.

Mason, K.I., Mallet, P.E., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (1999). Nucleus basalis injections of N-methyl-D-aspartate enhance memory of rats in the double Y-maze.  Brain Research Bulletin 48: 65-71

Miranda, A.F., Sutton, M.A., Beninger, R.J. , Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1999). Quinolinic acid lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway: Effect on turning behaviour and protection by elevation of endogenous kynurenic acid in rattus norvegicus.  Neuroscience Letters 262:81-84.

Sutton, M.A., Beninger, R.J. (1999). Psychopharmacology of conditioned reward: Evidence for a rewarding signal at D1-like dopamine receptors.  Psychopharmacology 144:95-110.

(140) Abrahams, B.S., Rutherford, J.D., Mallet, P.E., Beninger, R.J. (1998). Place conditioning with the dopamine D1-like agonist SKF 82958 but not SKF 81297 or SKF 77434.  European Journal of Pharmacology 343:111-118.

Beninger, R.J., Miller, R. (1998). Dopamine D1-like receptors and reward-related incentive learning.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 22:335-345.

Harris, C.A., Miranda, A.F., Tanguay, J.J., Boegman, R.J.,Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K. (1998). Modulation of striatal quinolinate neurotoxicity by elevation of endogenous brain kynurenic acid.  British Journal of Pharmacology 124:391-399.

Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J., Flesher, S. (1998). Role of zinc in blockade of excitotoxic action of quinolinic acid by picolinic acid.  Amino Acids 14:257-261.

Li, L., Corngut, L.M., Frost, B.J., Beninger. R.J. (1998). Prepulse inhibition in the rat following unilateral focal lesions of the inferior colliculus: Prepulse intensity functions.  Physiology and Behavior 65:133-139.

Mallet, P.E., Beninger, R.J. (1998). Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, but not the endogenous cannabinoid receptor ligand anandamide, produces conditioned place avoidance.  Life Sciences 62:2431-2439.

Mallet, P.E., Beninger, R.J. (1998). The cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist SR141716A attenuates the memory impairment produced by ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol or anandamide.  Psychopharmacology 140:11-19.

Connop. B.P., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K. (1997). Malonate-induced degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons: Attenuation by lamotrigine, MK-801 and 7-nitro-indazole.  Journal of Neurochemistry 68:1191-1199.

Josselyn, S.A., Miller, R., Beninger, R.J. (1997). Behavioral effects of clozapine and dopamine receptor subtypes.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 21:531-558.

Miranda, A.F., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K. (1997). Protection against quinolinic acid-mediated excitotoxicity in nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons by endogenous kynurenic acid.  Neuroscience78:967-975.

(130) Smith, I.D., Sutton, M.A., Beninger, R.J. (1997). Rotational bias in intact rats following intra-striatal injections of dopaminergic drugs.  Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 58:431-441.

Biggan, A.T., Ingles, J.L., Beninger, R.J. (1996). Scopolamine differentially affects memory of 8- and 16-month-old rats in the double Y-maze.  Neurobiology ofAging 17:25-30.

Brockwell, N.T., Ferguson, D.S., Beninger, R.J. (1996). A computerized system for the simultaneous monitoring of place conditioning and locomotor activity in rats.  Journal of Neuroscience Methods 64:227-232.

Brockwell, N.T., Beninger, R.J. (1996). The differential role of A1 and A2 adenosine receptor subtypes in locomotor activity and place conditioning in rats.  Behavioural Pharmacology 7:373-383.

Charbonneau, D., Riopelle, R.J.,Beninger, R.J. (1996). Impaired incentive learning in treated Parkinson's disease.  Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 23:271-278.

Connop, B.P., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, .K (1996). Attenuation of malonate-induced degeneration of the nigrostriatal pathway by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase.  Neuropharmacology 35: 459-465.

Kalisch, B.E., Connop, B.P., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J., Boegman, R.J. (1996). Differential action of 7-nitro indazole on rat brain nitric oxide synthase. (PDF, 341 KB) Neuroscience Letters 219:75-78.

Mallet, P.E., Beninger, R.J. (1996). The endogenous cannabinoid receptor agonist anandamide impairs memory in rats. (PDF, 786 KB) Behavioural Pharmacology 7:276-284.

Pawley, A.C., Flesher, S., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K.H. (1996). Differential action of NMDA antagonists on cholinergic neurotoxicity produced by injection of N-methyl-D-aspartate and quinolinic acid. (PDF, 1.7 MB) British Journal of Pharmacology 117:1059-1064.

Smith, I.D., Beninger, R.J. (1996). Contralateral turning caused by metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation in the dorsal striatum is reversed by MCPG, TTX and cis-flupenthixol. (PDF, 750 KB) Behavioral Neuroscience 110: 282-289.

(120) Smith, I.D., Todd, M.J., Beninger, R.J. (1996). Glutamate receptor agonist injections into the dorsal striatum cause contralateral turning in the rat: Involvement of kainate and AMPA receptors. (PDF, 1.5 MB) European Journal of Pharmacology 30: 7-17.

Beninger, R.J., Rolfe, N.G. (1995). Dopamine D1-like agonists impair responding for conditioned reward in rats. (PDF, 2.4 MB) Behavioural Pharmacology 6: 785-793.

Beninger, R.J., Wirsching, B.A., Mallet, P.E., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1995). Physostigmine but not 3,4-diaminopyridine improve mnemonic function in memory-impaired rats. (PDF, 714 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 51:739-74.

Connop, B.P., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J. (1995). Excitotoxic action of NMDA agonists on nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons: Modulation by inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis. (PDF, 1.6 MB) Brain Research 676:124-132.

Connop, B.P., Kalisch, B.E., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J. (1995). Enhancement of 7-nitro indazole-induced inhibition of brain nitric oxide synthase by norharmane. (PDF, 267 KB) Neuroscience Letters 190:69-72.

Mallet, P.E., Beninger, R.J., Fletcher, S., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1995). Nucleus basalis lesions: Implications of basoamygdaloid cholinergic pathways in memory. (PDF, 532 KB) Brain Research Bulletin 36:51-56.

Ranaldi, R., Pantalony, D., Beninger, R.J. (1995). The D1 agonist SKF 38393 attenuates amphetamine-produced enhancement of responding for conditioned reward. (PDF, 652 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 52:131-137.

Ranaldi, R., Beninger, R.J. (1995). Bromocriptine enhancement of responding for conditioned reward depends on intact D1 receptor functioning. (PDF, 2.2 MB) Psychopharmacology 118:437-443.

Smith, P.M., Beninger, R.J., Ferguson, A.V. (1995). Subfornical organ stimulation elicits drinking. (PDF, 427 KB) Brain Research Bulletin 38: 209-213.

Beninger, R.J., Kühnemann, S., Ingles, J.L., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1994). Mnemonic deficits in the double Y-maze are related to the effects of nucleus basalis injections of ibotenic and quisqualic acid on choline acetyltransferase in the rat amygdala. (PDF, 862 KB) Brain Research Bulletin 35:147-152.

(110) Beninger, R.J., Colton, A.M., Ingles, J.L., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K. (1994). Picolinic acid blocks the neurotoxic but not the neuroexcitant properties of quinolinic acid in the rat brain: Evidence from turning behaviour and tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry. (PDF, 1.1 MB) Neuroscience 61:603-612.

Connop, B.P., Rolfe, N.G., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J. (1994). Potentiation of NMDA-mediated toxicity of nigrostriatal neurons by low dose 7-nitro-indazole. (PDF, 1.8 MB) Neuropharmacology 33: 1439-1446.

DeSousa, N.J., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Boegamn, R.J. (1994). Stimulation of GABAB receptors in the basal forebrain selectively impairs working memory of rats in the double Y-maze. (PDF, 919 KB) Brain Research 641:29-38.

Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (1994). Excitotoxin-induced brain neurotransmitter deficits: Modulation by endogenous antagonists. (PDF, 3.3 MB) Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 72:1473-1482.

Kalisch, B.E., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (1994). Picolinic acid protects against quinolinic acid-induced depletion of NADPH diaphorase containing neurons in the rat striatum. (PDF, 1.1 MB) Brain Research 668:1-8.

Mallet, P.E., Beninger, R.J. (1994).7-OH-DPAT produces place conditioning in rats. (PDF, 172 KB) European Journal of Pharmacology 261:R5-6.

Mineau, P., Boag, P.T., Beninger, R.J. (1994). Effects of fenitrothion on memory for cache-site locations in black-capped chickadees. (PDF, 2.4 MB) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13:281-290.

Mineau, P., Boeg, P.T., Beninger, R.J. (1994). The effects of physostigmine and scopolamine on memory for food caches in the black-capped chickadee. (PDF, 800 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 49:363-370.

Moore, E., Merali, Z., Beninger, R.J. (1994). Neuropeptide Y: Intrastriatal injections produce contralateral circling that is blocked by a dopamine antagonist in rats.(PDF, 831 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 48:681-688.

Ranaldi, R., Beninger, R.J. (1994). Rostral-caudal differences in effects of nucleus accumbens amphetamine on VTA ICSS. (PDF, 796 KB) Brain Research 642:251-258.

(100) Ranaldi, R., Beninger, R.J. (1994). The effects of systemic and intracerebral injections of D1 and D2 agonists on brain stimulation reward. (PDF, 179 KB) Brain Research 651:283-292.

Ranaldi, R., Ferguson, S., Beninger, R.J. (1994). Automating the generation and collection of rate-frequency functions in a curve-shift brain stimulation reward paradigm. (PDF, 995 KB) Journal of Neuroscience Methods 53:163-172.

Smith, C.G., Beninger, R.J., Mallet, P.E., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1994). Basal forebrain injections of the benzodiazepine partial inverse agonist FG 7142 enhance memory of rats in the double Y-maze. (PDF, 761 KB) Brain Research 666: 61-67.

Beninger, R.J., Ranaldi, R. (1993). Microinjections of flupenthixol into the caudate-putamen but not the nucleus accumbens, amygdala or frontal cortex of rats produce intra-session declines in food-rewarded operant responding. (PDF, 952 KB) Behavioural Brain Research 55:203-212.

Beninger, R.J., D'Amico, C.M., Ranaldi, R. (1993). Microinjections of flupenthixol into the caudate putamen of rats produce intra-session declines in food-rewarded operant responding. (PDF, 821 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 45: 343-350.

Gross, P.M., Beninger, R.J., Shaver, S.W., Wainman, D.S., Espinosa, F.J., Weaver, D.F. (1993). Metabolic and neuroanatomical correlates of barrel-rolling and oculoclonic convulsions induced by intraventricular endothelin-1: A novel peptidergic signaling mechanism in visuovestibular and oculomotor regulation? (PDF, 4.4 MB) Experimental Brain Research 95:397-408.

Ingles, J.L., Beninger, R.J., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K. (1993). Scopolamine injected into the amygdala of the rat impairs working memory in a double Y-maze. (PDF, 748 KB) Brain Research Bulletin 32 339-344.

Josselyn, S., Beninger, R.J. (1993). Neuropeptide Y: Intra-accumbens injections produce a place preference that is blocked by cis-flupenthixol. (PDF, 299 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 46:543-552.

Lalumière, M.L., Quinsey, V.L., Beninger, R.J., Barsetti, I., Earls, C.M. (1993). B.F. Skinner: Au-delà de la controverse. (PDF, 420 KB) Canadian Journal of Psychology 34:461-465.

Mallet, P.E., Beninger, R.J. (1993). The double Y-maze as a tool for assessing memory in rats. (PDF, 768 KB) Neuroscience Protocols 93-010-02:1-11.

(90) Ranaldi, R., Beninger, R.J. (1993). Dopamine D1 and D2 antagonists attenuate amphetamine-produced enhancement of responding for conditioned reward in rats. (PDF, 1.6 MB) Psychopharmacology 113: 110-118.

Vrooman, L., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (1993). Picolinic acid modulates kainic acid-evoked glutamate release from the striatum in vitro. (PDF, 566 KB) Brain Research 627:193-198.

Beninger, R.J., Ingles, J., Mackenzie, P., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1992). Muscimol injections into the nucleus basalis of rats selectively impair working memory in a double Y-maze. (PDF, 1.2 MB) Brain Research 597:66-73.

Beninger, R.J., Ranaldi R (1992). Effects of amphetamine, apomorphine, SKF 38393, quinpirole and bromocriptine on responding for conditioned reward in rats. (PDF, 1.4 MB) Behavioral Pharmacology 3:155-163.

Beninger, R.J. (1992). D1 receptor involvement in reward-related learning. (PDF, 1.6 MB) Journal of Psychopharmacology 6:34-42.

Boegman, R.J., Cockhill, J., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J. (1992). Excitotixic lesions of rat basal forebrain: differential effects on choline acetyltransferase in the cortex and amygdala. (PDF, 1 MB) Neuroscience 51:129-136.

Cockhill, J., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (1992). Action of picolinic acid and structurally-related pyridine carboxylic acids on quinolinic acid-induced cortical cholinergic damage. (PDF,  901 KB) Brain Research 599:57-63.

Thanos, P.K., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J. (1992). N-methyl-D-aspartate unilaterally injected into the striatum of rats produces contralateral circling: Antagonism by 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid and cis-flupenthixol. (PDF, 900 KB) Brain Research 589:55-61.

Beninger, R.J., Mazurski, E.J., Hoffman, D.C. (1991). Receptor subtype-specific dopaminergic agents and unconditioned behaviour. (PDF, 3.4 MB) Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy 43:507-528.

Biggan, S.J., Beninger, R.J., Cockhill, J., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1991). <Quisqualate lesions of rat NBM: selective effects on working memory in a double Y-maze. (PDF, 494 KB) Brain Research Bulletin 26:613-616.

(80) Brockwell, N.T., Eikelboom, R., Beninger, R.J. (1991). Caffeine-induced place and taste conditioning: Production of dose-dependent preference and aversion. (PDF, 498 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 38:513-517.

Josselyn, S.A., Beninger, R.J. (1991). Behavioural effects of intrastriatal caffeine mediated by adenosinergic modulation of dopamine. (PDF, 696 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry andBehavior 39:97-103.

Mazurski, E.J., Beninger, R.J. (1991). Effects of selective drugs for dopaminergic D1 and D2 receptors on conditioned locomotion in rats. (PDF, 939 KB) Psychopharmacology 105:107-112.

Miller, R., Beninger, R.J. (1991). On the interpretation of asymmetries of posture and locomotion produced with dopamine agonists in animals with unilateral depletion of striatal dopamine. (PDF, 3 MB) Progress in Neurobiology 36:229-256.

Archer, T., Beninger, R.J., Järbe, T.U.C., Seiden, L.S. (1990). Exploratory behaviour and latent learning in a radial arm maze following neonatal dopamine depletion. (PDF, 2.2 MB) Behavioral Pharmacology 1:191-200.

Beninger, R.J., Musgrave, M., Dickson, P.R. (1990). Unilateral injections of a D2 but not D1 agonist into the frontal cortex of rats produce a contralateral directional bias. (PDF, 629 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 37:387-392.

Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J. (1990). Neurotoxicity of tryptophan metabolites. (PDF, 5.6 MB) Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 585:261-273.

Cutmore, T.R.H., Beninger, R.J. (1990). Do neuroleptics impair learning in schizophrenic patients? (PDF, 1.3 MB) Schizophrenia Research 3:173-186.

Ehmann, T.S., Beninger, R.J., Gawel, M.J., Riopelle, R.J. (1990). Depressive symptoms in Parkinson's disease: A comparison with disabled control subjects. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 3:3-9.

Ehmann, T.S., Beninger, R.J., Gawel, M.J., Riopelle, R.J. (1990). Coping, social support and depressive symptoms in Parkinson's disease. (PDF, 1.4 MB) Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 3:85-90.

(70) Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J., Bialik, M. (1990). Quinolinate-induced cortical cholinergic damage: modulation by tryptophan metabolites. (PDF, 835 KB) Brain Research 529:185-191.

Martin, P., Beninger, R.J., Hamon, M., Puech, A.J. (1990). Antidepressant-like action of 8-OH-DPAT, a 5-HT1A agonist, in the learned helplessness paradigm: Evidence for a post-synaptic mechanism? (PDF, 757 KB) Behavioural Brain Research 38:135-144.

Miller, R., Wickens, J.R., Beninger, R.J. (1990). Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in relation to reward and performance: A case for the D1 receptor as the primary site of therapeutic action of neuroleptic drugs. (PDF, 4.9 MB) Progress in Neurobiology 34:143-183.

Moore, E., Merali, Z., Beninger, R.J. (1990). Neuropeptide Y and behaviour: Effects of intrastriatal NPY on circling behaviour of rats. Polish Journal ofPharmacology andPharmacy 42:1-525.

Beninger, R.J. (1989). Dissociating the effects of altered dopaminergic function on performance and learning. (PDF, 752 KB) Brain Research Bulletin 23:365-371.

Beninger, R.J., Hoffman, D.C., Mazurski, E.J. (1989). Receptor subtype-specific dopaminergic agents and conditioned behavior. (PDF, 2.7 MB) Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 13:122-133.

Beninger, R.J., Wirsching, B.A., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1989). Animal studies of brain acetylcholine and memory. (PDF, 3 MB) Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 1:71-89.

Hoffman, D.C., Beninger, R.J. (1989). The effects of selective dopamine D1 and D2 receptor antagonists on the establishment of agonist-induced place conditioning. (PDF, 736 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 33:273-279.

Hoffman, D.C., Beninger, R.J. (1989). Preferential stimulation of D1 and D2 receptors disrupts food-rewarded operant responding in rats. (PDF, 268 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry andBehavior 34:923-925.

Scarth, B.J., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (1989). Cortical muscarinic receptor function following quinolinic acid induced lesion of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis. (PDF, 838 KB) Experimental Neurology 103:158-164.

(60) Wirsching, B.A., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Bialik, M. (1989). Kynurenic acid protects against the neurochemical and behavioral effects of unilateral quinolinic acid injections into the nucleus basalis of rats. (PDF, 551 KB) Behavioral Neuroscience 103:90-97.

Ehmann, T.S., Delva, N.J., Owen, J.A., Beninger, R.J. (1988). Response from Ehmann and associates. (PDF, 260 KB) Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 8:301-303.

Hoffman, D.C., Beninger, R.J. (1988). Selective D1 and D2 dopamine agonists produce opposing effects in place conditioning but not in conditioned taste aversion learning. (PDF, 808 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 31:1-8.

Hoffman, D.C., Beninger, R.J. (1988). Conditional tolerance to haloperidol-induced catalepsy: Striatal dopamine receptor supersensitivity is a possible explanation. (PDF, 201 KB) Psychopharmacology 95:142-143.

Hoffman, D.C., Dickson, P.R., Beninger, R.J. (1988). The dopamine D2 receptor agonists, quinpirole and bromocriptine produce conditioned place preferences. (PDF, 755 KB) Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 12:315-322.

Mazurski, E.J., Beninger, R.J. (1988). Scopolamine produces environment-specific conditioned activity that is not blocked by pimozide in rats. (PDF, 1.2 MB) Psychopharmacology 96: 375-380.

Mazurski, E.J., Beninger, R.J. (1988). Stimulant effects of (+)amphetamine are influenced by methodological variables. (PDF, 476 KB) Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology andBiologicalPsychiatry 12:323-329.

Mazurski, E.J.,Beninger, R.J. (1988). The dopamine D-2 agonist quinpirole produces environment-specific conditioned activity. (PDF, 333 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 30:525-527.

Mazurski, E.J., Beninger, R.J. (1988). Stimulant effects of apomorphine and (+)-amphetamine in rats with varied habituation to test environment. (PDF, 535 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 29:249-255.

Beninger, R.J., Cheng, M., Hahn, B.L., Hoffman, D.C., Mazurski, E.J., Morency, M.A., Ramm, P., Stewart, R.J. (1987). Effects of extinction, pimozide, SCH 23390 and metoclopramide on food-reinforced operant responding of rats. (PDF, 179 KB) Psychopharmacology 92:343-349.

(50) Ehmann, T.S., Delva, N.J., Beninger, R.J. (1987). Flupenthixol in chronic schizophrenic inpatients: A controlled comparison with haloperidol. (PDF, 406 MB) Journal ofClinical Psychopharmacology 7:173-175.

Herz, R.S., Beninger, R.J. (1987). Comparison of the ability of (+)-amphetamine and caffeine to produce environment-specific conditioning. (PDF, 1 MB) Psychopharmacology 92:365-370.

Mazurski, E.J., Beninger, R.J. (1987). Environment- specific conditioning and sensitization with (+)-amphetamine. (PDF, 491 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour 27:61-65.

Morency, M.A., Stewart, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (1987). Circling behavior following unilateral microinjections of cocaine into the medial prefrontal cortex: Dopaminergic or local anesthetic effect? (PDF, 1 MB) Journal of Neuroscience 7:812-818.

Weisman, R.G., Bruce, R., Beninger, R.J. (1987). Simple and conditional discriminations in rats: The effects of delay and scopolamine. (PDF, 931 KB) Learning and Motivation 18:274-287.

Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., El-Defrawy, S.R. (1986). Kynurenic acid-induced protection of neurochemical and behavioural deficits produced by quinolinic acid injections into the nucleus basalis of rats. (PDF, 328 KB) Neuroscience Letters 68:317-32.

Beninger, R.J., Herz, R.S. (1986). Pimozide blocks establishment but not expression of cocaine-produced environment-specific conditioning. (PDF, 354 KB) Life Sciences 38:425-1431.

Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., El-Defrawy, S.R. (1986). Effects of scopolamine and unilateral lesions of the basal forebrain on T-maze spatial discrimination and alternation in rats. (PDF, 732 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 24:1353-1360.

Beninger, R.J., Wirsching, B.A., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., El-Defrawy, S. (1986). Effects of altered cholinergic function on working and reference memory in the rat. (PDF, 1.3 MB) Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 64:376-386.

El-Defrawy, S.R., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J. (1986). The neurotoxic actions of quinolinic acid in the central nervous system. (PDF, 1.2 MB) Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 64:369-375.

(40) El-Defrawy, S.R., Boegman, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J., Shipton, L. (1986). Lack of recovery of cortical cholinergic function following quinolinic or ibotenic acid injections into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis in rats. (PDF, 1.6 MB) Experimental Neurology 91:628-633.

Hoffman, D.C., Beninger, R.J. (1986). Feeding behavior in rats is differentially affected by pimozide treatment depending on prior experience. (PDF, 430 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 24: 259-262.

Mazurski, E.J., Beninger, R.J. (1986). The effects of (+)amphetamine and apomorphine on responding for a conditioned reinforcer. (PDF, 767 KB) Psychopharmacology 90:239-243.

Morency, M.A., Beninger, R.J. (1986). Dopaminergic substrates of cocaine-induced place conditioning. (PDF, 815 KB) Brain Research 399:33-41.

Beninger, R.J., Cooper, T.A., Mazurski, E.J. (1985). Automating the measurement of locomotor activity. (PDF, 957 KB) Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology 7:79-85.

Boegman, R.J., El-Defrawy, S.R., Jhamandas, K., Beninger, R.J., Ludwin, S.K. (1985). Quinolinic acid neurotoxicity in the nucleus basalis antagonized by kynurenic acid. (PDF, 632 KB) Neurobiology of Aging 6:331-336.

El-Defrawy, S.R., Coloma, F., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., Beninger, R.J., Wirsching, B.A. (1985). Functional and neurochemical cortical cholinergic impairment following neurotoxic lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis in the rat. (PDF, 640 KB) Neurobiology of Aging 6:325-330.

Evans, K.R., Beninger, R.J., Eikelboom, R. (1985). Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase inhibitors, feeding and locomotor activity: Reinstatement of feeding with central norepinephrine. (PDF, 576 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 22: 535-540.

Hoffman, D.C., Beninger, R.J. (1985). The effects of pimozide on the establishment of conditioned reinforcement as a function of the amount of conditioning. (PDF, 1.9 MB) Psychopharmacology 87:454-460.

Hoffman, D.C., Beninger, R.J. (1985). The D1 dopamine receptor antagonist, SCH 23390 reduces locomotor activity and rearing in rats. (PDF, 154 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 22:341-342.

(30) Morency, M.A., Stewart, R.J., Beninger, R.J. (1985). Effects of unilateral microinjections of sulpiride into the medial prefrontal cortex on circling behavior of rats. (PDF, 911 KB) Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 9:735-738.

Stewart, R.J., Morency, M.A., Beninger, R.J. (1985). Differential effects of intrafrontocortical microinjections of dopamine agonists and antagonists on circling behavior of rats. (PDF, 570 KB) Behavioural Brain Research 17:67-72.

Beninger, R.J. (1984). The effects of quipazine and fluoxetine on extinction of a previously-reinforced operant response in rats. (PDF, 722 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 21:533-537.

Beninger, R.J., Tighe, S.A., Jhamandas, K. (1984). Effects of chronic manipulations of dietary choline on locomotor activity, discrimination learning and cortical acetylcholine release in aging adult Fisher 344 rats. (PDF, 540 KB) Neurobiology of Aging 5:29-34.

Beninger, R.J. (1984). Effects of metergoline and quipazine on locomotor activity of rats in novel and familiar environments. (PDF, 504 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 20:701-705.

Ramm, P., Beninger, R.J., Frost, B.J. (1984). Functional activity in the lateral habenular and dorsal raphe nuclei following administration of several dopamine receptor antagonists. (PDF, 1.6 MB) Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 62:1530-1533.

Wirsching, B.A., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J., El-Defrawy, S.R. (1984). Differential effects of scopolamine on working and reference memory of rats in the radial maze. (PDF, 384 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 20:659-662.

Beninger, R.J. (1983). The role of dopamine in locomotor activity and learning. (PDF, 3.1 MB) Brain Research Reviews 6:173-196.

Beninger, R.J., Hahn, B.L. (1983). Pimozide blocks establishment but not expression of amphetamine-produced environment-specific conditioning. (PDF, 403 KB) Science 220:1304-1306.

Beninger, R.J., Phillips, A.G., Fibiger, H.C. (1983). Prior training and intermittent retraining attenuate pimozide-induced avoidance deficits. (PDF, 575 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 18:619-624.

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Beninger, R.J., Freedman, N.L. (1982). The use of two operants to examine the nature of pimozide-induced decreases in responding for brain stimulation. (PDF, 1.2 MB) Physiological Psychology 10:409-412.

Beninger, R.J.(1982). A comparison of the effects of pimozide and nonreinforcement on discriminated operant responding in rats. (PDF, 289 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 16:667-669.

Beninger, R.J., Hanson, D.R., Phillips, A.G. (1981). <The acquisition of responding with conditioned reinforcement: Effects of cocaine, (+)-amphetamine and pipradrol. (PDF, 1.4 MB) British Journal of Pharmacology 74:149-154.

Beninger, R.J., Phillips, A.G. (1981). The effects of pimozide during pairing on the transfer of classical conditioning to an operant discrimination. (PDF, 494 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 14:101-105.

Beninger, R.J., Hanson, D.R., Phillips, A.G. (1980). The effects of pipradrol on the acquisition of responding with conditioned reinforcement: A role for sensory preconditioning. (PDF, 2.2 MB) Psychopharmacology 69: 235-242

Beninger, R.J., MacLennan, A.J., Pinel, J.P.J. (1980). The use of conditioned defensive burying to test the effects of pimozide on associative learning. (PDF, 431 KB) Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 12:445-448.

Beninger, R.J., Mason, S.T., Phillips, A.G., Fibiger, H.C. (1980).The use of extinction to investigate the nature of neuroleptic-induced avoidance deficits. (PDF, 1.3 MB) Psychopharmacology 69:11-18.

Beninger, R.J., Mason, S.T., Phillips, A.G., Fibiger, H.C. (1980). The use of conditioned suppression to evaluate the nature of neuroleptic-induced avoidance deficits. (PDF, 799 KB) Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 213, 623-627.

Beninger, R.J., Phillips, A.G. (1980). The effect of pimozide on the establishment of conditioned reinforcement. (PDF, 1.8 MB) Psychopharmacology 68:147-153.

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Beninger, R.J., Kendall, S.B., Vanderwolf, C.H. (1974). The ability of rats to discriminate their own behaviors. (PDF, 1 MB) Canadian Journal of Psychology 28:79-91.

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Book Chapters

Banasikowski TJ, Beninger RJ (2010). Conditioned drug effects.   In: Stolerman I (ed) Encyclopedia of psychopharmacology.  Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH, in press

Beninger, R.J., Gerdjikov, T. (2005). Dopamine-glutamate interactions in reward-related incentive learning. (PDF, 7.96 MB) In: W.J. Schmidt, & M.E. Reith (Eds.), Dopamine and Glutamate in Psychiatric Disorders (pp. 319-354). Totawa, NJ: Humana Press Inc.

Huidobro, A., Jimenez-Arriero, M.A., Beninger, R.J., Palomo, T. (2002). Perspectivas sobre el trastorno bipolar. (PDF, 2.03 MB) In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, M.A. Jimenez-Arriero, & E. Huertas (Eds.), El Espectro Bipolar (pp. 21-34). Madrid: Fundacion Cerebro y Mente.

Archer, T., Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J. (2002.) Structural and functional neuroimaging in the brain in health and disease. (PDF, 3.35 MB) Published in Spanish as: Neuroimagen functional y estructural del cerebro sano y enfermo. In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, M.A. Jimenez-Arriero, E. Huertas, & T. Archer (Eds.), Neuroimagen en Psichiatria (pp 19-38). Madrid: Editorial CYM.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (2001). Drug dependence disorders: interactive and neurotoxic propensity. (PDF, 3.55 MB) Published in Spanish as: Trastornos causados por dependencia a sustancias: potencial interactivo y neurotóxico. In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, M.A. Jiménez-Arriero, & T. Archer (Eds.),Trastornos Adictivos (pp 25-48). Madrid: Editorial CYM.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Kostrezwa, R.M., Beal, M.F., Archer, T. (2000). Protective and restorative strategies in the neurodegenerative disorders. (PDF, 2.11 MB) In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, T. Archer (Eds.), Neurodegenerative Brain Disorders (pp 481-500). Madrid: Editorial Sintesis.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jhamandas, K., Archer, T. (2000). Neurodegenerative diseases of the brain: genetic and environmental factors. (PDF, 1.47 MB) In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, T. Archer (Eds.), Neurodegenerative Brain Disorders (20 pp 213-223). Madrid: Editorial Sintesis.

(20) Palomo, T., Jhamandas, K.H., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (2000). Neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration: implications for neuropsychiatric disorders. (PDF, 971 KB) In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, & T. Archer (Eds.), Neurodegenerative Brain Disorders (pp 23-30). Madrid: Editorial Sintesis.

Beninger, R.J., Olmstead, M.C. (2000). The role of dopamine in the control of locomotor activity and reward-related incentive learning. (PDF, 2.11 MB) In: R. Miller, & J. Wickens (Eds.), Brain Dynamics and the Striatal Complex (pp 29-50). Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Press.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (1999). Interactive monoaminergic systems in movement disorders. (PDF, 807 KB) In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, & T. Archer (Eds.) Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders (pp 547-553). Madrid: Editorial Sintesis.

Beninger, R.J. (1999).Dopamine-second messenger interactions in reward-related learning. (PDF, 4.23 MB) In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, & T. Archer (Eds.), Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders (pp 499-514). Madrid: Editorial Sintesis.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (1999). Interactive monoaminergic basis of schizopsychotic disorders. (PDF, 1.69 MB) In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, & T. Archer (Eds.), Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders (pp 333-341). Madrid: Editorial Sintesis.

Beninger, R.J., Palomo, T., Archer, T.A. (1999). Interactive monoaminergic basis of drug dependence. (PDF, 1.41 MB) In: T. Palomo,R.J. Beninger, & T. Archer (Eds.), Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders (pp 199-211). Madrid: Editorial Sintesis.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (1999). Interactive monoaminergic basis of anxiety and depression. (PDF, 1.62 MB) In: T. Palomo, R.J. Beninger, & T. Archer (Eds.), Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders (pp 35-46). Madrid: Editorial Sintesis.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (1996). Neurotoxicity and functional concomitants in neurodegenerative brain disorders. (PDF, 3.93 MB) In: R.J. Beninger, T. Palomo, & T. Archer (Eds.), Dopamine Disease States (pp 569-605). Madrid: CYM Press.

Beninger, R.J., Nakonechny, P.L. (1996). Dopamine D1-like receptors and molecular mechanisms of incentive learning. (PDF, 2.43 MB) In: R.J. Beninger, T. Palomo, & T. Archer (Eds.), Dopamine Disease States (pp 407-431). Madrid: CYM Press.

Palomo, T., Archer, T., Beninger, R.J. (1996). Dopamine disease states: from Parkinson's disease to schizophrenia. (PDF, 652 KB) In: R.J. Beninger, T. Palomo, & T. Archer (Eds.), Dopamine Disease States (10 pp 1-6). Madrid: CYM Perss.

(10) Beninger, R.J., Palomo, T., Archer, T. (1994). Introduction: schizophrenia, movement and cognitive disorders. (PDF, 2.08 MB) In: T. Palomo, T. Archer, & R.J. Beninger (Eds.), Strategies for Studying Brain Disorders Volume 2: Schizophrenia, Movement Disorders and Age Related Cognitive Disorders (pp 1-14). Madrid: Editorial Complutense and London, Farrand Press.

Beninger, R.J., Ranaldi, R. (1994).Dopaminergic agents with different mechanisms of action differentially affect responding for conditioned reward. (PDF, 1.45 MB) In: T. Palomo, & T. Archer (Eds.), Strategies for Studying Brain Disorders Volume 1: Depression, Anxiety and Drug Abuse Disorders (pp 411-428). Madrid: Editorial Complutense and London, Farrand Press.

Beninger, R.J. (1993). Role of D1 and D2 receptors in learning. (PDF, 4.49 MB) In: J. Waddington (Ed.), D1: D2 Dopamine Receptor Interactions: Neuroscience and Psychopharmacology (pp 115-157). London: Academic Press.

Beninger, R.J. (1991). Receptor subtype-specific dopamine agonists and antagonists and conditioned behaviour. (PDF, 2.0 MB) In: P. Willner, & J. Scheel-Krüger (Eds.), The Mesolimbic Dopamine System: From Motivation to Action (pp 273-299). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

Beninger, R.J., Wirsching, B.A., Jhamandas, K., Boegman, R.J. (1989). Etudes menées chez l'animal sur le rôle de l'acétylcholine dans la mémoire. (PDF, 6.55 MB) In: D. Guez (Ed.), Mémoire et Vieillissement: Approche Methodologique (pp 55-75). Paris: Doin Editeurs (This is a translation of Beninger et al., Arch Geront Geriat, 1989).

Beninger, R.J. (1989). Methods for determining the effects of drugs on learning. (PDF, 5.17 MB) In: A.A. Boulton, G.B. Baker, & A.J. Greenshaw (Eds.), Neuromethods: Psychopharmacology ( pp 623-685). Clifton, NJ: Humana Press Incorporated.

Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (1989). Neuroethological perspectives on aversively motivated behavior. (PDF, 1.33 MB) In: T. Archer, & L.-G. Nilsson (Eds.), Aversion, Avoidance and Anxiety: Perspectives on Aversively Motivated Behavior (pp 335-342). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Beninger, R.J.(1989). The role of serotonin and dopamine in learning to avoid aversive stimuli. (PDF, 2.99 MB) In: T. Archer, & L.-G. Nilsson (Eds.), Aversion, Avoidance and Anxiety: Perspectives on Aversively Motivated Behavior (pp 265-284). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Beninger, R.J. (1989). Dopamine and learning: Implications for attention deficit disorder and hyperkinetic syndrome. (PDF, 4.81 MB) In: T. Sagvolden, & T. Archer (Eds.), Attention Deficit Disorder, Clinical and Basic Research (pp 323-337). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Beninger, R.J. (1988). The slow therapeutic action of antipsychotic drugs: a possible mechanism involving the role of dopamine in incentive learning. (PDF, 2.24 MB) In: P. Simon, P. Soubrié, & D. Wildlocher (Eds.), Animal Models of Psychiatric Disorders Vol 1: Selected Models of Anxiety, Depression and Psychosis (pp 36-51). Basal: Karger.

Edited Books

Series on Strategies for Studying Brain Disorders:

(X) Palomo T, Kostrzewa RM, Beninger RJ (eds.) (2013) Staging Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Implications for Etiopathogenesis and Treatment.  New York: Springer (433 pages)

(IX) Palomo T, Beninger RJ, Kostrezwa RM, Archer T (eds) (2009) Beyond Neuropsychiatric Diagnostics: Symptoms not Disorders. Madrid, Fundation Cerebro y Mente (708 pages)

(VIII) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Kostrezwa, R.M., Archer, T. (eds) (2007) Implications of comorbidity for Etiology and Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Madrid, Fundation Cerebro y Mente (698 pages)

(VII) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Kostrzewa, R.M., Archer, T. (2005). Gene-Environment Interplay in Brain Disease States. Madrid: Fundacion Cerebro y Mente (575 pages).

(VI) Beninger, R.J., Palomo, T., Kostrzewa, R.M., Archer, T. (2003). Neurodevelopmental Liabilities in Brain Disease States. Mountain Home, TN: FP Graham (762 pages).

(V) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (Eds.). (2000). Neurodegenerative Brain Disorders. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis. (813 pages).

(IV) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (Eds.). (1999). Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis. (797 pages).

(III) Beninger, R.J., Palomo, T., Archer, T. (Eds.). (1996). Dopamine Disease States. Madrid: CYM Press. Published in 1997 in Spanish as Estados Patológicos de la Dopamina. (English version 668 pages).

(II) Palomo, T., Archer, T., Beninger, R.J. (Eds.). (1994). Schizophrenia, Movement Disorders and Age Related Cognitive Disorders. Madrid: Editorial Complutense and London, Farrand Press. (434 pages).

Series on Neuroscientific Advances and Clinical Realities (published in Spanish):

(IX) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jimenez-Arriero, M.A., Huertas, E. (Eds.). (2005). System dopaminergico y trastornos psychiatricosl. Madrid: Fundacion Cerebro y Mente (219 pages).

(VIII) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jimenez-Arriero, M.A., Huertas, E. (Eds.). (2004). Pathologia Dual. Madrid: Fundacion Cerebro y Mente (320 pages).

(VII) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jimenez-Arriero, M.A., Huertas, E. (Eds.). (2003). Vulnerabilidad Genetico-Ambiental. Madrid: Fundacion Cerebro y Mente (296 pages).

(VI) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jimenez-Arriero, M.A, Huertas, E. (Eds.). (2002). El Espectro Bipolar. Madrid: Fundacion Cerebro y Mente (344 pages).

(V) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jimenez-Arriero, M.A., Huertas, E., Archer, T. (Eds.). (2002). Neuroimagen en Psichiatria. Madrid: Editorial CYM. (298 pages).

(IV) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jiménez-Arriero, M.A., Borrell, J., Archer, T. (Eds.). (2001). Trastornos Cognitivos. Madrid: Editorial CYM. (This is a Spanish translation of chapters 7, 16, 17, 20, 28 and 34 from Neurodegenerative Brain Disorders with 6 new chapters).

(III) Palomo, T., Beninger. R.J., Jiménez-Arriero, M.A., Archer, T. (Eds.). (2001). Trastornos Adictivos. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis. (This is a Spanish translation of chapters 12-15 from Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders, chapters 2, 4, 5, 22 and 23 from Neurodegenerative Brain Disorders with 6 new chapters).

(II) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jiménez-Arriero, M.A., Archer, T. (Eds.). (2000). Trastornos Esquizopsicóticos. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis. (This is a Spanish translation of chapters 7, 15, 21, and 26-28 from Dopamine Disease States, chapters 19-21 and 23-29 from Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders, and chapter 8 from Neurodegenerative Brain Disorders).

(I) Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Jiménez-Arriero, M.A., Archer, T. (Eds.). (1999). Trastornos Afectivos. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis. (This is a Spanish translation of chapters 1-10 of Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders plus chapter 25 from Dopamine Disease States).


Archer T, Kostrzewa RM, Beninger RJ, Palomo T (2010) Staging neurodegenerative disorders: structural, regional, biomarker, and functional progressions. Neurotoxicity Research, 19: 211-234

Archer T, Kostrzewa RM, Beninger RJ, Palomo T (2010) Staging perspectives in neurodevelopmental aspects of neuropsychiatry: agents, phases and ages at expression. Neurotoxicity Research, 18: 287-395

Archer T, Kostrzewa RM, Palomo T, Beninger RJ (2010) Clinical staging in the pathophysiology of psychotic and affective disorders: facilitation of prognosis and treatment. Neurotoxicity Research, 18: 211-228

Archer T, Beninger RJ, Palomo T, Kostrzewa RM (2010) Epigenetics and biomarkers in the staging of neuropsychiatric disorders. Neurotoxicity Research, 18: 347-366

Hawken E, Delva NJ, Beninger RJ (2010) Polydipsia in schizophrenia: what laboratory rats can tell us. Synergy 14: 5-7

Archer T, Kostrzewa RM, Beninger RJ, Palomo T (2008) Cognitive symptoms facilitatory for diagnoses in neuropsychiatric disorders: executive functions and locus of control. Neurotoxicity Research 14: 205-225

Palomo T, Beninger RJ, Kostrzewa RM, Archer T (2008) Affective status in relation to impulsive, motor and motivational symptoms: personality, development and physical exercise. Neurotoxicity Research 14: 151-168

20) Palomo T, Kostrzewa RM, Beninger RJ, Archer T (2008) Schizopsychotic symptom-profiles and biomarkers: eacons in diagnostic labyrinths. Neurotoxicity Research 14: 79-96

Palomo, T, Beninger, R.J., Kostrzewa RM, Archer T (2008) Focusing on symptoms rather than diagnoses in brain disorders: conscious and nonconscious expression in impulsiveness and decision-making. (PDF, 513 KB) Neurotoxicity Research 14: 1-20.

Archer, T., Beninger, R.J. (2007) Werner J Schmidt (1950-2007) Pushing the boundaries of neuroscience: a true academician and a complete gentleman. (PDF, 200 KB) Neurotoxicity Research 12: i-iv (editorial)

Casey, K.F., Beninger, R.J., Busto, U., Tarter, R.E., Leyton, M. (2007) The 30th annual meeting of the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 15 to June 19, 2007.  (PDF, 100 KB) Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 32: 439-440 (print version); online 1-12

Palomo, T., Kostrzewa, R.M., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (2007) Treatment considerations and manifest complexity in comorbid neuropsychiatric disorders.  (PDF, 4.43 MB) Neurotoxicity Research 12: 43-60.

Palomo, T., Kostrzewa, R.M., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (2007) Genetic variation and shared biological susceptibility underlying comorbidity in neuropsychiatry. (PDF, 3.52 MB) Neurotoxicity Research 12: 29-42.

Palomo, T., Archer, T., Kostrzewa, R.M., Beninger, R.J. (2007) Comorbidity of substance abuse with other psychiatric disorders. (PDF, 2.85 MB) Neurotoxicity Research 12: 17-28.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Kostrzewa, R.M., Archer, T. (2007) Comorbidity implications in brain disease: neuronal substrates of symptom profiles. (PDF, 3.71 MB) Neurotoxicty Research 12: 1-15.

Archer, T., Beninger, R.J. (2007) Movement disorders: neurodevelopment and neurobehavioural expression. (PDF, 100 KB) Journal of Neural Transmission 114: XXXIII-XLI (editorial).

Beninger, R.J. (2006) A lifetime of research on dopamine. (PDF, 1.04 MB) Synergy 10:14-16.

(10) Palomo, T., Archer, T., Beninger, R.J., Kostrzewa, R.M. (2004) Gene-environment interplay in neurogenesis and neurodegeneration. (PDF, 201 KB) Neurotoxicity Research 6: 415-434.

Palomo, T., Kostrzewa, R.M., Beninger, R.J., Archer, T. (2004) Gene-environment interplay in alcoholism and other substance abuse disorders: expression of heritability and factors influencing vulnerability. (PDF, 195 KB) Neurotoxicity Research 6: 343-361.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Kostrzewa, R.M., Archer, T. (2004) Gene-environment interplay in affect and dementia: emotional modulation of cognitive expression in personal outcomes. (PDF, 4.31 MB) Neurotoxicity Research 6: 159-173.

Palomo, T., Archer, T., Kostrzewa, R.M., Beninger, R.J. (2004) Gene and environment interplay in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. (PDF, 115 KB) Neurotoxicity Research 6: 1-10.

Palomo, T., Beninger, R.J., Kostrzewa, R.M., Archer, T. (2003) Sites of movement disorder: genetic and environmental agents in developmental accidents. Neurotoxicity Research 5: 1-26.

Beninger, R.J., Delva, N.J. (2003) Antipsychotic drugs and memory in schizophrenia. (PDF, 697 KB) Synergy7:5.

Palomo, T., Kostrzewa, R.M., Archer, T., Beninger, R.J. (2002) Neurodevelopmental liabilities in schizophrenia and affective disorders. Neurotoxicity Research4:397-408.

Palomo, T., Archer, T., Beninger, R.J., Kostrzewa, R.M. (2002) Neurodevelopmental liabilities of substance abuse. (PDF, 1.40 MB) Neurotoxicity Research 4:267-279.

Beninger, R.J. (2000) International Behavioral Neuroscience Society – Ninth Meeting: Neurochemistry of feeding. (PDF, 522 KB) IDrugs: The Investigational Drugs Journal 3:745-746

Cutmore, T.R.H., Beninger, R.J. (1991) An incentive learning approach to decision making. Technical report No. 91-13 of the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, Department of National Defence, Canada.

Fundacion Cerebro y Mente

I am a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the Fundacion Cerebro y Mente, based in Madrid, Spain. The President is Dr. Tomas Palomo. The Fundacion is dedicated to the fertile interchange of ideas and experiences between experts in clinical and basic neuroscience with a goal to improving the understanding and treatment of brain disorders. The Fundacion fosters the interdisciplinary exchange of information and collaborations with the regular sponsoring of biennial international meetings on Strategies for Studying Brain Disorders and annual meetings on Neuroscientific Advances and Clinical Reality.

Further information can be found at the website of the .

Professional Societies

I am a member of the following Professional Societies:

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science: elected Fellow, 1992
  • : made a Fellow, 1997
  • : elected Committee Member, 1994, 1992: Treasurer 2006 – 2010
  • : elected to the Full Committee 2008
  • : elected Council member, 1993; named a Fellow, 1995