Caroline Pukall

Caroline Pukall


Department of Psychology

B.A., McGill University, 1996
Ph.D., McGill University, 2003

Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Name Pronunciation Guide:
"KA·ruh·line Poo·KAWL"

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Research Interests

My main focus is in the area of human sexuality, particularly sexual function, dysfunction, and sexual health. My perspective is a clinical one, and my methods of investigation range from self-report studies (face-to-face, online), observational studies, to basic science methodologies including the following: quantitative sensory testing (to assess sensitivity in various areas of the body), blood flow imaging (primarily via laser Doppler imaging), and brain imaging (using a variety of techniques).

Selected Publications

Sutton KS, Yessick LR, Wild CJ, Chamberlain SM, Pukall CF (2020). Exploring the neural correlates of touch and pain in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Pain, 161, 926-937. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001778. Epub 10 Dec 2019.

Byers-Heinlein A, McCallum A, Byers ES, Pukall CF (2020). Sexual health-related training of Canadian midwives and association with practice outcomes. Women and Birth, 33, e199-e207.

Pukall CF, Bergeron S, Rosen NO, Jackowich R (2020). Persistent genitopelvic pain: Classification, comorbidities, chronicity, and interpersonal factors. Current Sexual Health Reports, 12, 15-23. Epub 8 Jan 2020.

Rosen NO, Bergeron S, Pukall CF (2020). Recommendations for the study of vulvar pain in women, part 1: Review of assessment tools. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17, 180-194. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.10.023 Epub 2019 Dec 4.

Jackowich R, Poirier É, Pukall CF (2020). A comparison of medical comorbidities, psychosocial, and sexual well-being in an online cross-sectional sample of women experiencing persistent genital arousal symptoms and a control group. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17, 69-82.

Cappell J, Bouchard KN, Chamberlain SM, Byers-Heinlein A, Chivers ML, Pukall CF (2020). Is mode of delivery associated with sexual response? Pilot study of genital and subjective sexual arousal in primiparous women with vaginal or cesarean section births. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17, 257-272. [epub Dec 19, 2019]

Gauvin S, Smith KB, Chamberlain SM, Pukall CF (2019). Communication patterns in women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners. Psychology & Sexuality, 10, 369-382. DOI [epub Aug 21 2019]

Dargie E, Pukall C, Goetsch M, Stenson A, Leclair C (2019). The clinical utility of the Vulvar Pain Assessment Questionnaire (VPAQ): A pilot study. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 23, 272-278. DOI: 10.1097/LGT.0000000000000488

Huberman JS, McInnis MK, Bouchard KN, Dawson SJ, Pukall CF, Chivers ML (2019). Exploring comfort levels and the role of compensation in sexual psychophysiology study participation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 2389-2402. [epub 15 July 2019] DOI: 10.1007/s10508-019-1458-x

Dawson SJ, Huberman JS, Bouchard KN, McInnis MK, Pukall CF, Chivers ML (2019). Effects of individual difference variables, gender, and exclusivity of sexual attraction on volunteer bias in sexuality research. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 2403-2417. [epub 22 April 2019] DOI: 10.1007/s10508-019-1451-4

Bornstein J, Preti M, Simon J, As-Sanie S, Stockdale CK, Stein A, Parish SJ, Ridici G, Vieira Baptista V, Pukall CF, Moyal-Barracco M, Goldstein AT (2019). Descriptors of vulvodynia: A multi-societal consensus (International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, International Pelvic Pain Society). Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 23, 161-163. [epub 15 Feb 2019]

Bouchard K, Boyer SB, Stewart J, Holden RH, Pukall CF (2019). Sexuality and personality correlates of willingness to participate in sex research. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 28, 26-37. [epub Jan 13, 2019]

Pukall CF, Jackowich R, Mooney K, Chamberlain SM (2019). Genital sensations in persistent genital arousal disorder: A case for an overarching nosology of genitopelvic dysesthesias? Sexual Medicine Reviews, 7, 2-12.

Stroman P, Ioachim G, Powers JM, Staud R, Pukall CF (2018). Pain processing in the human brainstem and spinal cord before, during, and after the application of noxious heat stimuli. Pain, 159, 2012-2020. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001302

Bossio JA, Singh M, Pukall CF (2018). Concurrent assessment of penile blood flow and circumference as indicators of male sexual arousal. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15, 1570-1578.

Blair KL, Holmberg D, Pukall CF (2018). Support processes in same-sex and mixed-sex relationships: Type and source matters. Personal Relationships, 25, 374-393. DOI: 10.1111/pere.12249

McCallum A, Byers-Heinlein A, Byers ES, Pukall CF (2018). Are Ontario midwives prepared to respond to their clients’ sexual concerns? A survey of attitudes, perceived training, knowledge, and comfort. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, 17, 20-33.

Blair KL, Cappell JP, Pukall CF (2018). Not all orgasms were created equal: Differences in frequency and satisfaction of orgasm experiences by sexual activity in same-sex vs. mixed-sex relationships. Journal of Sex Research, 55, 719-733.

Gauvin S, Pukall CF (2018). The SexFlex Scale: A measure of sexual script flexibility when approaching sexual problems in a relationship. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 44, 382-397. DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2017.1405304

Bossio JA, Pukall CF (2018). Attitude towards one’s circumcision status is more important than actual circumcision status for men’s body image and sexual functioning. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 771-781. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-017-1064-8

Jackowich R, Pink L, Gordon A, Poirier E, Pukall CF (2018). An online, cross-sectional comparison of women with symptoms of persistent genital arousal, painful persistent genital arousal, and chronic vulvar pain. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15, 558-567.

Cappell J, Pukall CF (2018). Perceptions of the effects of childbirth on sexuality among nulliparous individuals. Birth, 45, 55-63. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12321

Thibault-Gagnon S, McLean L, Goldfinger C, Pukall CF, Chamberlain SM (2018). Relationship between 3D perineal ultrasound imaging and digital intra-vaginal palpation assessments of the pelvic floor muscles in women with and without provoked vestibulodynia. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15, 346-360.

Gauvin S, Pukall CF (2018). Sexual problems and sexual scripts: Overview and future directions for bisexual-identified individuals. Journal of Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 1-2, 34-44. DOI: 10.1080/14681994.2018.1426851

Jackowich R, Pink L, Gordon A, Poirier E, Pukall CF (2018). Symptom characteristics and medical history of an online sample of women who experience symptoms of persistent genital arousal. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 44, 111-126. DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2017.1321598

Dargie EE, Gilron I, Pukall CF (2017). Provoked vestibulodynia: A comparative examination of mental health, sleep, sexual functioning, and relationship adjustment. Clinical Journal of Pain, 33, 870-876. DOI: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000480

Boyer SC, Chamberlain SM, Pukall CF (2017). Vulvodynia attitudes in a sample of Canadian post-graduate trainees. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 26, 249-260. DOI: 10.3138/cjhs.2017-0019

Dargie EE, Holden RH, Pukall CF (2017). The Vulvar Pain Assessment Questionnaire: Factor structure, preliminary norms, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 1585-1596. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.10.072

Pukall CF, Bergeron S, Brown C, Bachmann G, Wesselmann U (2017). Recommendations for self-report outcome measures in vulvodynia clinical trials. Clinical Journal of Pain, 33, 756-765. DOI: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000453

Cappell J, Pukall CF (2017). Clinical profile of persistent genito-pelvic postpartum pain. Midwifery, 50, 125-132.

Dargie EE, Gilron I, Pukall CF (2017). Self-reported neuropathic pain characteristics of women with provoked vulvar pain: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 577-591.

Dargie EE, Chamberlain SM, Pukall CF (2017). Provoked vestibulodynia: Diagnosis, self-reported pain, and presentation during gynecological examinations. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Canada, 39, 145-151.

Bouchard K, Chivers ML, Pukall CF (2017). Effects of genital response measurement device and stimulus characteristics on sexual concordance in women. The Journal of Sex Research, 54, 1197-1208.