PSGSA Conference 2016 - Borders and Belonging
Friday May 6, 20162:30 pm - 4:00 pm
MacIntosh Corry HallThe Political Studies Graduate Student Association (PSGSA) is hosting a one-day graduate student conference centered on the ever-timely theme of The Politics of Borders and Belonging at Home and Abroad. This inaugural annual conference will be held on May 6, 2016, with support from the Department of Political Studies. Graduate students from across the social sciences will present their papers on panels organized by subject to generate dialogue between the presenters, and between the panelists and the audience. There will be an external keynote speaker (TBD) who will address the conference theme of “borders and belonging” in both the Canadian and the international context. This is the first graduate student conference hosted by the PSGSA and the intention is for the conference to become an annual event, eventually attracting graduate student scholars from across Canada.
Please see Queen's PSGSA for updated information about the conference along with a list of further questions that may help you consider papers to submit for this conference. Please address any questions or accessibility concerns to