Dr. Leuprecht speaks with the Roy Green Show about China's increasing encroachment on to Taiwanese territory. 


Post-doctoral candidate Tim Abray talks about the return of MPPs to Queen's Park in the summer, and what it could mean for the leaderless New Democratic Party.  

Additionally, Tim Abray comments on the throne speech and says the lack of urgency in the policy points was the most surprising aspect of the blueprint presented by the Ontario Government.  

On "Wednesday in the World with Dave Carr", Tim Abray takes calls from listeners and explores the political unrest in Canadian politics.


Dr. Leuprecht talks about the RCMP's use of cellphone spyware, and the launch of a parliamentary committee that will look into the use of the controversial technology.  


To close out the week, Dr. Leuprecht talks with CTV National News about why the major power outage in Toronto happened.