
A pair of tetrahedra align facets in a dense suspension of model, hard colloids.

Greg van Anders' Group

Joining the Group

We are always looking for new people to join the group!

We're committed to making our group a place where everyone can grow as a scientist, and welcome new members of all gender and sexual identities, race/ethnicities, and cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.

Below, you can find some tips about how and when to get in touch.

Click here for tips


Contact me early!

If you are interested in joining the group you can contact me at any time, but earlier will help. If you're a prospective graduate student or postdoc, the best time to contact me is the summer the year before you want to start. E.g. if you want to start in September 2020, the best time to contact me is summer 2019 (i.e., about 14 months ahead). There are many different types of awards to apply for, and that will ultimately further your career, but almost all require applying well in advance. So make sure you contact me early, particularly if you're an international student, because some forms of funding are given out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Highlight your accomplishments!

I'm interested in applicants with a range of backgrounds. Though having experience or skills in, say, computer simulation, networks, or statistical physics are definite assets, being task oriented and a quick learner are more important. Hard work, tenacity, and enthusiasm are the keys to success in the group. I am more interested in your ability to complete projects than I am in your test scores. People with strong research experience or accomplishments in other areas, but with a keen interest to move into topics we study in the group, are encouraged to get in touch.

Know what we do!

We work on a broad range of topics in the group, but our work is also highly specialized. Before you contact me, make sure you have a look at some of our recent papers so you have an idea of the kind of work we do in the group. We are strongly interested in new group members who have a strong interest in our work.

Thesis/Design Projects!

Every year we have projects suitable for undergraduate theses and design projects. The best time to contact me about these is toward the end of your third year. There are typically more opportunities available than are listed. If you're interested in our work, get in touch.

Not a physicist?

Though we're housed in physics, our primary question in selecting research topics is "Is it interesting?" not "Is it physics?" We're open to questions that crop up in other disciplines, and to people with other kinds of training.

Postdoc Funding

There are several possible funding mechanisms for people interested in postdoc positions. University funding is available here: Queen's Post-Doctoral Fund. External support is available through Mitacs here: Mitacs Postdoc Programs, through NSERC here: , and through the Federal Government here: .

Domestic Graduate Funding

Some graduate students come to our program with their own funding, or obtain funding while they are here. Funding programs available for Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents is available from NSERC here: , from the Ontario Government here: , and from the Federal Government here: .

International Graduate Funding

International graduate students are eligible for funding through the Federal Government here: . International students who are interested in short-term stays in the group could be eligible for support through Mitacs here: , and students from selected countries could be supported by scholarships from EduCanada here: .

Contact: gva@queensu.ca