Livingstone, Joshua

Joshua Livingstone

Ph.D. Candidate


Arts and Science

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Research Interests

Continental Philosophy, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Political Theory

  • B.A., Honours (Philosophy), King鈥檚 University College
  • M.A. (Theory and Criticism), Western University

Joshua鈥檚 work is rooted in the continental tradition, specifically the areas of existentialism, phenomenology, and hermeneutics. He received a B.A. in Philosophy from King鈥檚 University College, and an M.A. in Theory and Criticism from Western University. His master鈥檚 thesis explored the theme of questioning in Martin Heidegger鈥檚 Being and Time. At Queen's, Joshua鈥檚 work focuses on the political thinker Hannah Arendt. Specifically, he is interested in piecing together an Arendtian account of the imagination as 鈥渢he source of action,鈥 exploring both its creative and destructive political implications.


鈥淗annah Arendt and the Free Press鈥 (2021) in the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists series at Springer.