
What clients are saying about the WE-CAN Project

Two entrepreneurs smiling at each other

鈥淏efore I joined the Queen's WE-CAN Project I felt alone in my business journey. I tried to start things on my own like getting the right documents for example or simply finding someone to share my thoughts with. I felt lost and overwhelmed. But since I became a member of the WE-CAN Project, I have other women to share my business ideas with and that made things easier for me. Today I can say that my company is well-grounded because of the help from WE-CAN Project.鈥
~ Ruth Soriba, Owner and Founder, Finda Beauty Care

鈥淭he team at WE-CAN has become invaluable to my business and its continued growth. We have achieved so much and I can鈥檛 wait to see what else we can do, and to give back at some point. We鈥檝e experienced huge sales growth and expanded our team. The social network is incredible. When you need help, you can just reach out. They鈥檒l help you or find someone who can.鈥
~ Lisa Henderson, Owner and Founder, House of Three

鈥淲E-CAN has provided me with the opportunity to expand my network and learn from and collaborate with other women entrepreneurs. WE-CAN mentorship has been a wonderful experience which has allowed me to focus on the future of my business while incorporating personal development.鈥
~ Brooke Woboditsch, President and Owner, Closed Caption Services

鈥淭he WE-CAN Project has been instrumental in providing direction and support to me. I went from a single sole proprietor struggling with an immense workload to creating, registering, and launching a not-for-profit agency. From book-keeping to networking to grant writing, the WE-CAN Project has provided me with guidance and support, and I am so ever grateful for such an amazing group of people.鈥
~ Stacey Love-Jolicoeur, SAGA/LGBTQ2S Education and Support Services of Canada Inc.

鈥淔rom my very first connection with WE-CAN, I felt supported and an immediate sense that I have specialists who comprehend the unique challenges of women of colour in doing business so I can expand and grow my business. I am so excited to be on this journey.鈥
~ V. Ophelia Rigault, EDI Trainer, Speaker and Consultant