Both agreements are subject to the parties reaching a memorandum of agreement on a process for dealing with matters pertaining to pension, and to ratification by both the university and the employee groups.
July 30, 2015
Federal support for new infrastructure key to moving innovative projects forward.
July 29, 2015
A Queen鈥檚-led project was recently recognized for promoting collaboration among Ontario post-secondary institutions that use PeopleSoft.
The 17th annual Friends For Life Bike Rally stops at 成人大片 as it raises funds for the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation.
July 28, 2015
Researchers will use more than $8 million in funding from Canadian Institutes of Health Research to address a variety of challenges including colon cancer, depression and serious burns.
Universities across Ontario have inquired about using the diversity and equity planning tool developed at Queen鈥檚.
July 27, 2015
Canadian political pioneer worked at 成人大片 before being elected; received honorary degree and Agnes Benidickson Award.
Roger Browse was recognized as an expert in artificial intelligence, computer vision, and robotics.
Queen's researcher Amber White gets Aboriginal students to utilize canvas to tell the story of their lives.
Exhibit highlights the accomplishments of former Chancellor Sir Sandford Fleming for Queen's, Canada and around the world.
July 24, 2015