Voting now open for the Art of Research ‘People’s Choice’ category.
March 12, 2018
Queen’s PhD students lend expertise to strengthen growing community initiatives.
Master's program focuses on the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the context of modern business decision-making.
March 9, 2018
Natan Obed, President of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, shares his experience as head of the national Inuit governing organization and his vision for a future of respect between Inuit, federal, and provincial democracies.
Stepehn Poloz (Artsci'78) returning to alma mater to deliver the Chancellor David Dodge Lecture in Public Finance.
Queen's Relay For Life gets underway Friday night with goal of 500 participants raising a combined $115,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society.
March 8, 2018
Over 60 electric vehicle charging stations are coming to main campus and the Isabel.
Much of the conversation at the University Council on Anti-Racism and Equity (UCARE) public meeting revolved around the university’s progress on two key reports.
James Sawchuk is headed to Pyeongchang as an athletic therapist for the Canadian men’s sledge hockey team.
March 7, 2018
This year’s celebrations and reflections are being marked through art and powerful discussions.