Organization Description
Tammara Maher (a Queen’s grad with BAH in Global Development Studies) has worked in sustainable food production for over 20 years and for the last 10 has been focused on exploring ways to increase access to fresh produce and healthy food options to a wider population. With a drive for innovation, in 2023 she moved her rural-based farm from Gananoque to central Kingston, Ontario with the goal of making fresh produce more accessible and convenient to a larger population.
Collective Joy Farm is a year-round, indoor vertical farm in the heart of Kingston that opened in March of 2023. A vacant 1200 sq ft storefront was converted into this urban farm (the first of its kind, that we know of) that is open to the public and uses an efficient and proven system to provide nutrient-rich microgreens, fresh herbs, edible flowers, and a plant-based, whole food product line made from this produce to the community 6 days a week.

Project Details
The central location and business model reduce the farms’ carbon footprint in many ways - being at the “doorstep” of customers, farmer’s markets, and restaurants reduces transportation, and nutrient loss due to shipping and storage and allows customers to bring their own containers so they can reduce packaging waste.
The urban location not only ensures access to the farm is easy, but it facilitates greater and richer opportunities for education and collaboration with local businesses, community organizations, and schools. And people simply love it. Having a farm in their neighbourhood lights people up with joy.
With groceries now generally more expensive in supermarkets and produce supply chains increasingly unreliable due to climate change and political factors, a return to local-oriented food systems is more important than ever.
With Collective Joy Farm, Tammara has created a profitable and replicable urban farm model that is now in an even more competitive position - with the move to Kingston business has tripled, the number of customers dramatically increased, and the community ‘reach’ widened.
As a result of this successful neighbourhood farming model (high productivity in a small area), Collective Joy Farm has a vision of sharing their story and encouraging others to start similar farms in their cities. With this in mind, Tammara initially explored the option of franchising the operation. However, when delving into the practicalities, she found that the franchising model was primarily focused on numbers and took away from the community aspect and/or flexibility for decision making with community that she wanted to achieve. Collective Joy Farm is now exploring ideas on viable ways to achieve their future goals and help other people start urban farms in their cities.
Project Goals
Recognizing that there is an opportunity for similar farm businesses to be set up in other underused urban areas, how might Collective Joy Farm not only best share their story, communicate that things can be done differently, and that change is possible - and also create a call to action for others to set up similar operations?
More specifically, how might they:
Communicate their story to others who might want to do the same thing?
Share knowledge of this business model without increasing the competition and/or reducing their market share?
Increase access to fresh produce that is attainable, efficient and quick to set up? Create training software that makes the learning process of running the farm efficient and easily attainable for anyone?
Encourage a change in consumer buying behaviour with a return to the public buying local produce?
Project Type: Project submitted by organization
Deliverables: Presentation Report Communication Plan Other
Estimated number of hours: 10 hours
Frequency of project discussion meetings: Beginning, middle and end of term (although happy to schedule additional meetings as needed)
Contact Details
Want to learn more about this project or organization? Contact the Experiential Learning & Programming Team with your name and the title of the project of interest.