University Advisor on Equity

The position of University Advisor on Equity (UAE) was established in 1996 as part of a university-wide restructuring of equity and human-rights initiatives at Queen's. The position was one of several recommendations contained in an internal review of equity and human rights initiatives and services at Queen's.

The review was initiated in February, 1995 by Principal William Leggett, who expressed the need for better coordination and greater effectiveness in equity efforts across the university. The changes were implemented on the advice of external consultants as well as an internal, university-wide committee, and resulted in three distinct equity structures at Queen's: the University Advisor on Equity; the Senate Committee on Educational Equity; and the Council on Employment Equity.

The university's first University Advisor on Equity, Mary Margaret Dauphinee, was appointed to a five-year term commencing July 1, 1998. Working with university officials, the Senate Educational Equity Committee and the Council on Employment Equity, the UAE is responsible for ensuring that equity is achieved throughout the university.

The Office of the UAE acts as an information and educational resource on equity issues; it identifies gaps in policy areas and services, and facilitates the development of policies, procedures and programs to ensure equity; it coordinates equity resources; and it promotes cultural change so that equity becomes everyone's responsibility.

Assisting the University Advisor on Equity are two complementary equity bodies at Queen's. The Council on Employment Equity, established in 1989, works to ensure equity in hiring and human resource policies and practices at the university.

As well as monitoring, reviewing and recommending policy, practices and information, the council is also responsible for seeing that the university's policies conform with provincial and federal regulations, and that they fulfil the requirements of the Federal Contractors' Program.

The Senate Educational Equity Committee, established in 1997, recommends, monitors and reviews equity policies in relation to the academic mission of the university. Membership of both committees includes faculty, staff, students and members of under-represented groups. Members are normally appointed for two years, and may serve two consecutive terms.

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