Rick Chaykowski

Richard Chaykowski

Professor, Cross-appointed with the Faculty of Law

PhD, Industrial Relations (Cornell)

Employment Relations Studies

Faculty of Arts and Science

People Directory Affiliation Category


Labour policy and its role in the new economy, the intersection of labour policy and law, labour market institutions, labour relations and collective bargaining, North American labour markets, workplace training and innovation, and the impacts of technological change in the workplace, labour market economics and policy.


Richard Chaykowski is a Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Science where he teaches in the Employment Relations programs. He is cross-appointed to the Faculty of Law and a member of the Advisory Board for the Centre for the Study of Law in the Contemporary Workplace. He was the Director of the graduate MIR Program (Master of Industrial Relations and Professional Master of Industrial Relations programs), and undergraduate Employment Relations program, in the Faculty of Arts and Science, from 2015 through mid-2022.

He has been a Visiting Scholar at MIT and visitor at the University of Toronto and at McGill University. Dr. Chaykowski also held an appointment as Visiting Chair at Human Resources and Social Development in the federal government, where he was working in Strategic Policy. He also served as the Research Director for the federal government appointed Expert Panel on Older Workers.

Prof. Chaykowski has served as an expert in several major proceedings, including BC Health Services, Withler, and Fraser.

Prof. Chaykowski's teaching and research interests include labour policy and the intersection of labour policy and law, labour relations and collective bargaining, arbitration, employee accommodation in the workplace, and workplace innovation and the impacts of technological change in the workplace, and the implications of emerging developments in North American labour markets for work. He has frequently addressed these issues in a wide range of forums in the private and public sectors, including union and senior management groups as well as departments of the Government of Canada. He has also provided support to these stakeholders in a variety of capacities.

His scholarly articles in journals include economics, such as the Canadian Journal of Economics, the North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Canadian Public Policy, Canadian Business Economics, and Research in Labor Economics, industrial relations, such as the Industrial and Labor Relations Review, the British Journal of Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations, the Journal of Labor Research, Relations industrielles, and Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, and law, such as the Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal and the Saskatchewan Law Review. He has also published articles in such broader publications as the Workplace Gazette, Collective Bargaining Review, Policy Options, and The Financial Post. He has published over fifty papers in journals, edited volumes, periodicals, academic proceedings, and as other professional or technical reports. He has also been a guest co-editor of special issues of the journals Relations industrielles and Canadian Public Policy.
In addition, among his published books are:

  • Industrial Relations in Canadian Industry (co-edited with Anil Verma)
  • Research in Workers' Compensation (co-edited with Terry Thomason)
  • Transition and Structural Change in the North American Labour Market (co-edited with Charles Beach and Michael Abbott)
  • Contract and Commitment: Employment Relations in the New Economy (co-edited with Anil Verma)
  • Women and Work (co-edited with Lisa Powell)
  • Globalization and the Canadian Economy
  • Modern Labour Economics: Theory and Public Policy, First Canadian Edition (with R. Ehrenberg and R. Smith)
  • Health Services Restructuring in Canada: New Evidence and New Directions (co-edited with C. Beach, S. Shortt, F. St. Hilaire, and A. Sweetman).
  • Building More Effective Labour-Management Relationships (co-edited with R. Hickey)

His current interests are focused on arbitration, technological change and skills, and employee representation and labour policy in the emerging labour market.
