One of the highest honours a student can receive from Queen's was awarded to two DEVS students this year, Asha Gordon (Artsci 2018) and Emilio Frometa (MIR 2018).

Asha Gordon has been actively working on campus to create dialogue around race and ethnic inclusion in the Queen’s community through her  work with the Queen’s Black Academic Society and the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre. She also worked with colleagues, students and alumni to co-found the Queen’s Black Alumni Chapter.

Emilio Frometa is the founder of the Autism Mentorship Program, an amazing organization that pairs varsity athletes with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He is also is the offensive captain of the Queen’s football team.

Congratulations Asha and Emilio, you are both a great example of the DEVS philosophy in action as you act local  and think global!

Photo of the six recipients of the Agnes Benedickson Tricolour Award in 2018

This year's recipients of the Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award are, clockwise from top left: Hana Chaudhury (Com’18), Emilio Frometa (MIR’18), Max Garcia (Cmp’17), Asha Gordon (Artsci’18), Adam Grotsky (Artsci’16, Law’19), and Alexandra Palmeri (NSc’18).

See the Queen's for more information.

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