News and Events

Ontario Historical Society J.J. Talman Award Presented to Scott Rutherford

Oct 28, 2021

OHS J.J. Talman Award Presented to Scott Rutherford for Canada鈥檚 Other Red Scare: Indigenous Protest and Colonial Encounters during the Global Sixties

Olguita Rodr铆quez Pedroso - A Memorial

Sep 22, 2021

Olga (Olguita) Rodr铆quez Pedroso was a teacher. A historian who taught at the University of Havana for most of her life, she began her career as a volunteer literacy teacher in rural Cuba in 1961. She never stopped teaching.

Congratulations to DEVS 2021 Graduates!

Jun 11, 2021

Congratulation messages from DEVS faculty to the Class of 2021!