Congratulations to Dr. Marcus Taylor

The Department of Global Development Studies congratulates Dr. Marcus Taylor on his appointment of Head, Department of Global Development Studies for the period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2023.

Dr. Taylor has taught in the Department of Global Development Studies at Queen鈥檚 since 2006 and is cross-appointed to the Department of Sociology and the School of Environmental Studies. He researches and teaches courses on the political ecology of development, with a focus on agriculture, labour and livelihoods as reflected in courses such as DEVS 250: Global Environmental Transformations and DEVS 311: Labour and Global Development. His current SSHRC funded project is on new approaches to rice cultivation in south Asia in conditions of climate change, livelihood strains, and mounting pressures to ensure food security by increasing yields. Recently books by Dr. Taylor include The Political Ecology of Climate Change Adaptation (Routledge 2015) and Global Labour Studies (with S茅bastien Rioux, Polity Press, 2018).

Dr. Taylor has been the graduate chair within Global Development Studies for the past five years, and recently spearheaded the establishment of a PhD program of study within DEVS. Faculty, staff, and students are looking forward to working with Dr. Taylor as the new department Head in Global Development Studies starting in July 2018. 

Special thanks is extended to Dr. Marc Epprecht for his tireless work as the Department Head of Global Development Studies over the past six years.

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