Marie-Michelle Doucet

Marie-Mich猫le Doucet

Department Head, Professor

Dept of History

Royal Military College of Canada



Dr Marie-Mich猫le Doucet is a professor at the Department of history at the Royal Military College of Canada since 2016. She teaches social European history, international relations history of the first half of the 20th century as well as many specialized classes in history of genocide and women's history.

She completed her PhD in history in 2016 at the University of Montreal under the supervision of professor Carl Bouchard. Her main field of research are European peace movements after the First World War, as well as women's roles and places in early 20th century European society. She also has many publications on the topic of women and the Armenian genocide. Dr Doucet is currently chair of the Department of History.

Research Interests:

  • Gender studies
  • Women and security
  • Disarmament

Recent Publications:

  • Peacekeeping: Perspectives Old and New, edited by Howard Coombs, Magali Deleuze, Kevin Brushett & Marie-Miche虁le Doucet, Martello Papers, April 2023
  • 芦 Celles qui n鈥檈ntrent pas dans la guerre : quand les pacifistes franc抬aises pre虂parent la paix et la re虂conciliation (1915-1920) 禄, La paix dans la guerre. Espoirs et expe虂riences de paix (1914-1919), Jean-Michel Guieu & Ste虂phane Tison (eds.), E虂ditions de la Sorbonne, 2022. 
  • 芦 鈥楽o That Our Sons Have Not Died in Vain': Calls for Peace from Pacifist and Non-pacifist Mothers after the Great War 禄, Beyond the Great War: Making Peace in a Disordered World, Norman Ingram et Carl Bouchard (eds.), University of Toronto Press, 2022.
  • 芦 Les pacifistes franc抬aises et l鈥檕ccupation de la Ruhr 禄, nume虂ro spe虂cial 芦 1918-1920 : les peuples font la paix 禄, sous la direction de Carl Bouchard et Jean-Michel Guieu, Mate虂riaux pour l鈥檋istoire de notre temps, Vol. 2, No. 129-130, 2019, pp. 48-53. 
  • 芦 Faire la paix par l鈥檋umanitaire. Les pacifistes franc抬aises au secours des enfants d鈥橝llemagne, un premier pas vers un rapprochement franco-allemand (1919-1925) 禄, nume虂ro spe虂cial 芦 Paix, pacifisme et dissidence en temps de guerre (XXe- XXIe) 禄, Cahiers d鈥橦istoire, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2018, pp. 25-41.

