Unpacking Normalized Bias


Tuesday November 15, 2022
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Zoom (/hreo//education/unpacking-normalized-bias)

This workshop is facilitated by the Human Rights and Equity Office /hreo/

In this session participants will learn about, and how to identify bias in their professional and personal lives. Both systemic and individual forms of bias will be explored through the lens of dominant and/or normalized culture. The session will conclude with a practical exploration of bias in the workplace.  Sessions will be facilitated by Erin Clow /hreo/node/187 and Vanessa Yzaguirre /hreo/node/187 using Zoom.

Audience: Staff, Faculty, Students

Length: 1.5 hours

Perequisite: None

Register here: /hreo//education/unpacking-normalized-bias