Student Voices Week Building a Consent Culture Workshop


Tuesday March 12, 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am



This event is part of Student Voices Week, a concentrated series of opportunities to engage in conversations about equity and allyship at Queen's and to celebrate the equity-focused work being done by students across campus.

Student Voices Week is hosted by the Queen's Shift Project in the Student Experience Office in collaboration with many university partners and student groups.

Unless otherwise noted, all Student Voices Week events are open to any students looking to be part of the shift towards a safer and more inclusive campus culture for everyone.

Building a Consent Culture Workshop

This event is hosted by the Student Experience Office & Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Services.

Attend this workshop to:

  • Identify what a consent culture looks like
  • Build awareness of the social barriers to building consent cultures
  • Identify what sex positivity is and how it relates to consent culture
  • Increase your knowledge of resources available for support and further education

Learn more and register here: /sexualviolencesupport/education