Student Voices Week - Allies & Faith: A Peer Led Conversation Series


Monday March 11, 2024
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Office of Faith & Spiritual Life - Mitchell Hall 2nd Floor

This event is hosted by the Queen's Shift Project and Faith & Spiritual Life and is part of Student Voices Week, a concentrated series of opportunities to engage in conversations about equity and allyship at Queen's and to celebrate the equity-focused work being done by students across campus.

Student Voices Week is hosted by the Queen's Shift Project in the Student Experience Office in collaboration with many university partners and student groups.

Unless otherwise noted, all Student Voices Week events are open to any students looking to be part of the shift towards a safer and more inclusive campus culture for everyone.

This peer led conversation series will give students the opportunity to explore how their own faith traditions and beliefs intersect with allyship of all kinds.

March's Student Voices Week A&F session will focus on how those from faith or religious traditions, or those exploring spirituality, can engage in allyship with the focus on how your own faith inspires allyship.

The conversation will feature excerpts from relevant media and a chance for students to participate in a facilitated conversation, engage in activities, and unpack their thoughts and share their own perspectives as students of faith and/or those interested in exploring their relationship to allyship and spirituality. 

Open to students of faith and those interested in exploring their relationship with spirituality and allyship.

Refreshments will be provided. No registration required. 

If you have any accessibility needs or questions generally, please email