Dr. Geoffrey Hall
School of Environmental Studies
Geof is always checking in with his students and is super supportive and understanding when students are going through a rough time. He creates a welcoming classroom to allow everyone to freely share and ask questions. Geof has incredible stories that make learning material more fun.
Anonymous Student
For me, mental health is part of the human experience and makes us all who we all are. It is just as important as other aspects of our health and must be carefully protected. It is as much a part of our creativity as well as our challenges.
I believe that everyone in a class I teach is important, and should have the opportunity to experience the course as fully as possible. The class must be a completely safe space for all participants. For me, this begins with setting the stage for a respectful and positive environment. In addition, at the beginning of each term I ask that each student come to me if they have concerns or find they are having difficulties in the class. I try to make it clear that they are never going to be bothering me or wasting my time, as I know that can be a perceived reason which causes many individuals to not voice their concerns or difficulties they may be experiencing. This is both from a course content point of view and a general mental health perspective, as I believe the two feed directly into one another. I re-iterate this regularly throughout the term in the hopes that I can work with a student at the earliest point if they are struggling. Finally, I do check-ins during the term, and ask the students to take some time separately to holistically assess where they are in the course, from their well-being to their learning. If there is support I can give from an academic point of view, I will work with the students to achieve the best possible outcome for their learning. If I can direct a student to mental health supports available at Queen's, I will do so whenever possible.
--- Geoffrey Hall