Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "PATH 310"

PATH 310  Introduction to Pathology and Molecular Medicine  Units: 3.00  
An introduction to pathology and molecular medicine. The course will be organized around a specific set of diseases, designed to illustrate basic concepts in the molecular biology, biochemistry, and pathology of human disease.
NOTE Also offered online. Consult the Bachelor of Health Sciences program office.
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 3 or above and (BCHM 102/3.0 or BCHM 218/3.0 or BCHM 270/3.0 or BIOL 205/3.0).  
Course Equivalencies: PATH310, PATH410  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Integrate underlying genetic and biochemical factors with resultant pathologic processes and disease states.
  2. Compare and contrast the contributions of genetics and environmental factors to disease.
  3. Apply course concepts to a hypothetical disease to identify its molecular basis and clinical features, and rationalize testing and treatment options.
  4. Clearly and concisely articulate ideas in both oral and written formats, working individually as well as in team-based learning groups.

Pathology and Molecular Medicine (PATH)

PATH 822 Experimental Cancer Therapeutics Intended for students engaged or interested in pre-clinical cancer research. Both medical and basic science trainees are encouraged to take this course. Specific areas to be covered include introduction to new drug development, molecular basis of oncogenic transformation and signalling pathways, challenges with current cancer therapeutics, molecular approaches to profiling human cancers as tools for identifying biochemical and genetic abnormalities and developing criteria for reliable prognostic indicators; strategies for novel target and drug discovery, as well as experimental drug delivery; novel imaging approaches to enhance the sensitivity of preclinical testing and selection of responsive patients; preclinical (in vitro and animal) models for validating experimental targets; clinical drug development and testing of novel anti-cancer drugs; and the molecular basis for variability in tumour responses. Half course, lectures and seminars.  PREREQUISITES: Recommended courses: ANAT 311, BCHM 310, PHAR 340, MICR 360, PATH 310, CANC 440, or equivalents, or with permission of the department. The number of students may be restricted.

Pathology and Molecular Medicine

Pathology is a study of disease and the mechanisms leading to injury. It involves a wide range of biochemical, molecular, cellular and clinical approaches. Fields of interest in the department include: cancer biology, drug resistance, metastasis, programmed cell death and cell cycle regulation, transgenic mouse models of gene function, cell differentiation and gene regulation, hemostasis/thrombosis, amyloidosis and Alzheimer's disease, disturbances in protein synthesis, and human genetics (including human gene mapping). Detailed information on faculty research interests is presented in a brochure which is available on request. See also the Department of Pathology WEB Page: http://www.path.queensu.ca/ .