NSCI 323 Foundational Neuroscience Units: 3.00
Fundamental properties of the nervous system. Emphasis placed on the properties of neurons that are fundamental to neuron-to-neuron communication, the formation of neural circuits, and the repair of the nervous system following injury. Tutorials introduce techniques and neurological problems that illustrate principles of neural function.
NOTE Also offered online. Consult the Bachelor of Health Sciences program office.
NOTE Also offered online. Consult the Bachelor of Health Sciences program office.
Learning Hours: 120 (24 Lecture, 24 Group Learning, 36 Online Activity, 24 Off-Campus Activity, 12 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite BIOL 339/3.0 or KNPE 125/3.0 or KNPE 225/3.0 or (PHGY 215/3.0 and PHGY 216/3.0) or PSYC 271/3.0.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Recognize and describe essential knowledge required to navigate the field of neuroscience and further apply this knowledge into advanced molecular, cellular, systems, and behavioral neuroscience.
- Identify, describe, and critique the most current ruling principles in neuroscience related to: How neurons develop, grow, migrate, and connect to form neuronal circuits and a functional mature nervous system.
- Identify, describe, and critique the most current ruling principles in neuroscience related to: How neurons and neuronal circuits acquire, transmit, store, and retrieve information.
- Identify, describe, and critique the most current ruling principles in neuroscience related to: How dysfunctional neuronal function results in developmental and functional diseases of the nervous system.