MUSC 281 Woodwind Techniques and Methods Units: 3.00
Study of the principles of playing Woodwind Instruments through the performance of select instruments and examination of salient repertoire and pedagogical resources used to support beginner and intermediate students. Topics include handling and posture, playing techniques, ranges, fingerings, transpositions, maintenance and care.
NOTE Students will need to access their own instrument(s) and rental options will be made available on the first day of class if needed. Instrument Rental: estimated cost $60 - $100.
NOTE Students will need to access their own instrument(s) and rental options will be made available on the first day of class if needed. Instrument Rental: estimated cost $60 - $100.
Learning Hours: 114 (36 Lecture, 78 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite (Registration in a MUSC or MUTH plan) or (MUSC 104 or MUSC 105) or permission of the School.
Exclusion MUSC 181.
Course Equivalencies: MUSC182; MUSC281
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate instrumental techniques at the introductory level on the clarinet and flute, including instrument assembly and care, hand and holding position, basic fingerings, embouchure, articulation, air support, and tone quality.
- Demonstrate performance skills at a beginner level.
- Reproduce good habits in playing the instrument.
- Understand the various transpositions of the members of the clarinet and flute families, as well as their written ranges, including beginner, intermediate and advanced ranges.
- Utilize basic diagnostic skills to be able to identify and correct embouchure, air support, holding hand position, as well as articulation issues and problems.