Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "LLCU 432"

LLCU 432  Field Research Practicum at Fudan University  Units: 6.00  
Provides students with an opportunity to conduct social research under the guidance of a Fudan instructor. Queen's students attend lectures on the interdisciplinary study of Shanghai and team up with Fudan counterparts to undertake research on social change in Shanghai. Assignments include in-class presentations and a final paper. Fall term.
NOTE This course is part of the Semester in Shanghai program in Arts and Science, which will require students to pay a $500 program fee to cover costs over and above tuition.
Learning Hours: 225.26 (26 Lecture, 6.5S, 2.86T, 9.75Pc, 6.5G, 0.65I, 77 Off-Campus Activity, 96 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite Acceptance as a participant in the Semester in Shanghai program administered by the International Programs Office. Exclusion DEVS 410/6.0; DEVS 420/3.0.  
Course Equivalencies: LLCU432; DEVS432  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science