FILM 388 Indigenous Film and Media Units: 3.00
This course offers a journey into Indigenous and Inuit film, produced by Indigenous filmmakers from the Americas, Northern Europe, and Australia. Topics such as Indigenous methodologies and aesthetics, Indigenous feminism, decolonization, self-recognition, language revitalization, and cultural reappropriation will be explored.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 24 Laboratory, 48 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 3 or above.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Analyze and reframe film and video sequences using film and media language.
- Describe the distinct modes of filmmaking in Indigenous cinema.
- Discuss how Indigenous cinema responds to political, social, and religious landscapes of this era.
- Recognize specific Indigenous directors and themes that exemplify artistic high points of Indigenous cinema.