FILM 330 Gender and Media Units: 3.00
This course examines the figurative role that media plays in the cultural and social construction of gender. Students will assess mass and digital media using feminist and queer theories of representation as well as scholarship in new media studies.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 24 Laboratory, 48 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite (Registration in a FILM, MAPP, or COFI Plan) or (registration in a GNDS Plan and GNDS 120 and GNDS 125).
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Apply the critical intersections of gender, nationality, race, class, sexuality, and ableism to complicate technological developments often cast as gender neutral.
- Examine cultural texts through theories, methods, and sociocultural practices advanced by feminist and queer theorists, new media scholars, and digital justice activists.
- Understand with the role of media in hegemonic formations of gender that reproduce static binaries and dualities that structure the uneven subordination of cis and trans women to patriarchal systems.