Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "DRAM 331"

DRAM 331  Playing Shakespeare  Units: 3.00  
The key considerations and skills involved in playing Shakespeare including text analysis, performing in verse, approaches to physicality, engaging in complex psychological choices, and playing a range of emotions.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Laboratory, 84 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (Level 3 or above and registration in a COCA, DRAM, MAPP, or MUSC Plan and a minimum grade of B- in DRAM 238/3.0) or (Level 2 or above and registration in the MUTH Plan).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Use a vocal warm-up to prepare them for the rigours of speaking verse.
  2. Demonstrate an ability to analyze and speak verse.
  3. Develop listening skills.
  4. Develop movement skills to connect mind and body through speech.
  5. Use the text to define character, emotional state, objectives, and situation.
  6. Choose, examine, explore, and learn one monologue for presentation.
  7. Examine, explore, and present one assigned scene study.
  8. Learn effective self-reflection skills that will lead to professional development.